Hello, fellow Martians! WE'RE BACK! With a very special 10th
martianholiday - the LoM fandom's annual Christmas gift exchange! This fest has successfully run every year since LoM began, we love our little fandom presents to look forward to after the chaos of the season.
This fest is all about sharing fanworks (ficlets, vidlets, podfics, artwork, gifs and icons) with fellow Life on Mars fans in a setting which is supposed to induce as little stress as possible. Because nothing says "armed bastards" quite like giving and receiving guns gifts. We're not asking for a big commitment - we're talking tiny stocking stuffers, drabbles if you wish.
Fanworks do not have to be holiday-themed - but they can be, of course, if you would like.
Phyllis is busy knitting very festive jumpers for everyone, so give us your best Noddy Holder impression: It's CHRISSSSTTTTMAAAAASSSS.
Sign-ups are open from now until the end of Monday, 30th November. To sign up, simply COMMENT TO THIS VERY POST with the following info:
What I can do: write/make icons/make a vidlet/make a gifset/create artwork/record podfic
Characters/Pairings: Sam/Annie, Sam/Gene, Sam/Mobile Phone, Gene/Cortina, Ray/Chris, Bubbles/Sockpuppet, Any, etc. - we are open to all pairings and characters. (Fics will be clearly labelled.)
What I can't do: e.g. slash, het, kink, etc.
If you want to write multiple snippets (max 3), or make multiple icon sets (max 3), or make multiple vidlets (max 3) or make multiple gifsets (max 3), or create multiple artworks (max 3), please include this info for all snippets, vidlets, pieces and sets. You could offer a mix of formats, so you might offer 1 ficlet and 2 icon sets, 1 vidlet and 2 artworks, etc. etc. Please DO NOT sign up for more than you think you can finish.
To clarify - this is the offers post only. Prompting comes in Step Three below.
Comments on the signup post are SCREENED. This is so you don't know who is making your gift, it's more exciting that way <3
Example of sign-up;
What I can do: Write!
Characters/Pairings: Gene/Jackie, Gene/Cortina, anyone/thing with Gene basically. He has smouldering chemistry with tables.
What I can't do: Cannot write angst.
If you're dying to write some Sam whump - say you're willing to write it. If you'd like to tickle Annie with some tinsel until she giggles and squirms, let us know and we'll hook you up (not really). Someone out there might just be longing to read it. If you say you're willing to write anything, people will hold you to your word.
Here's another example:
What I can do: Make icons
Characters/Pairings: Any!
What I can't do: No moving .gif icons
STEP TWO: Get your badge number(s).
When sign-ups close (November 30th), I'll immediately collate them all into a NEW post, with each sign-up anonymous but numbered. Then I'll make a screened reply to your sign-up comment, telling you your number (or numbers, if you signed up to write multiple ficlets or icon sets).
STEP THREE: Assigning Cases
The new post will be an ANONYMOUS NUMBERED LIST of everyone's sign-up info. You will pick a number (not your own!) to be the person who writes/makes vidlets, artwork, gifs, or icons for you. You'll comment to that post with the number of your choice and an appropriate prompt: a pairing and a single of dialogue/word prompt for ficlets; OR; two to three song choices for a vidlet; OR a situation you'd like to see turned into artwork; OR a simple character request and/or text for gifs/icons. If there is something you absolutely do not want in your ficlet, vidlet, artwork, gifset or icon set - say so here.
Examples of prompts in response to offers -
16. Vidlet. Can't do slow-mo or fancy special effects.
Oh, I'd love a Ray vid to a song by Jimi Hendrix!
12. Artwork. Sam/Gene preferred.
Draw me some Sam/Gene mistletoe kisses please <333
3. Icons. Anything goes.
I'd like some icons of Maya looking beautiful. No text needed.
If you volunteered to create more than one ficlet, vidlet, artwork, gifset or icon set, you get to choose as many to receive as you signed up to make! (if you say you are writing 3 ficlets, you can request 3 vidlets and vice versa - you can also choose any combination of which - 2 artworks and 1 icon set, etc.)
Numbers will be struck off the list as they're claimed.
Comments on the prompting post will NOT be screened. This is so you can check back and see who gave you your assignment.
STEP FOUR: Your Assignment
You'll be able to see the prompt comments, so you can check for yourself if you like. However, when all the sign-ups have been snagged and given prompts, I'll reply to your ORIGINAL sign-up comment (on this post) with your prompt and the name of the person who requested it, just for confirmation. These comments will be screened, too, so it all stays secret. Let's keep this a lovely surprise!
THE LAW OF THE LAND aka The Rules:
You have UNTIL SUNDAY, DECEMBER 27TH to write the ficlet (300+ish words, don't stress out about it, think of it like comment fic), or create the vidlet (1-2 mins), or the artwork, or make the gifs / icons (sets of 6 or so: once posted, your recipient can pick up to 2 that are exclusively theirs, if they wish, and the rest will be shareable).
Once again: The minimum word length for ficlets should be around 300 words. Do not stress. This is fun! The holidays are stressful enough. So engage your creativity and think about how happy you'll make someone to have a little LoM present created just for them. And you'll get one in return!
If you can't complete your assignment, PLEASE let me know, so I can throw your prompt up for grabs.
On Sunday, December 27, we all post our icon sets, gifsets, vidlets, artwork and ficlets to the
martianholiday community and The Armed Bastards Exchange will be on its way! Read, download, upload, comment and enjoy! Further instructions shall be issued on the posting format.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me,