Pick a number - any number!

Nov 23, 2009 21:07

STEP THREE: Assigning Cases

First: You will receive a comment to your sign-up with your number(s). This number is the case you're on. If it turns out that your case looks wrong, or you think you're missing a case or two - comment to the sign-up post and tell me!

Next: Comment to this post with the number(s) you choose. For ficlets - give a character or a pairing and one line of dialogue, or a single word as a prompt. For icon sets, give an indication of the character you would like and if you have any specific colour/theme preferences.

Example of choice [This is what your comment should look like.] -

#16. Ficlet. Sam-centric gen. Preferably White Cortina/G. Cannot write any sciencey time travel stuff.

"What was that you said? He's all push and no pull?"

Please no scenes with Test Card Girl


#12. Icon set. Any. Cannot make text-icons, have tried and failed.

A set of icons with Annie looking pretty, please? I like blues and greens.

Remember - you can choose as many numbers as assignments you offered to do - so if you offered to do 3 assignments - you get to pick 3 numbers. If you offered 2, you get to choose 2. You can choose whether you want icon sets or ficlets, you do not have to restrict yourself to the same type you signed up for. It's inadvisable to pick your own number - I will know.

I cannot stress enough how this is all supposed to be fun - so if you don't think you can complete your ficlet or icon set by December 13, don't freak out - just email lozenger8 at gmail dot com and I'll add your prompt into the 'free-for-all' pile.

Happy choosing!

Comments to this post are not screened. Numbers will have a strike run through them when they've been chosen, but please check through the comments to ensure that the one you want hasn't already been chosen, just in case.

#1. Ficlet: Sam/Gene/Annie/Phyllis/Chris (any two/one) Cannot: write physical sex.
#2. Icons: Any characters. Cannot make mini-movie icons. Can do simple animation.
#3. Icons: Any characters. Cannot make mini-movie icons. Can do simple animation.
#4. Ficlet: Ray/Gene, Ray/Chris, Gen, ensemble. Cannot write femmeslash, complex timey-wimey plot stuff, cross dressing.
#5. Icons: Anything. No restrictions.
#6. Ficlet: Sam/Gene, Sam/Maya, Maya/Gene, Annie, Ray, Maya, Sam, Gene, Evil!Sam, could probably do something with Alex if you wanted, but it wouldn't be complimentary. Cannot write Annie/Sam, real smut. Can fade to black.
#7. Ficlet: Sam/Annie, from G/White Cortina up to Blue/Brown (PG-15). Cannot write Explicit smut, kink, anything that requires me to go wildly and completely OOC- though I like to keep an open mind!
#8. Ficlet: Sam/Gene, slash or gen.
#9. Icons: Any characters. Has trouble with animated icons.
#10. Icons: Any characters. Has trouble with animated icons.
#11. Icons: Any characters. Has trouble with animated icons.
#12. Icons: Any characters. Cannot do fancy layering and textures.
#13. Ficlet: Sam/Gene or Sam&Gene-centric gen. Cannot write het or kink.
#14. Ficlet: Sam/Gene, any characters. Cannot write het or PWP.
#15. Ficlet: Sam/Gene. Cannot write PWP.
#16. Ficlet: Any characters, Gene/Missus. Cannot write PWP.
#17. Ficlet: Gen or Sam/Gene, mild Cortina ratings. Cannot write anything explicit. Porn is right out.
#18. Ficlet: GEN! Any character. Could try Sam/Annie or Sam/Gene. Cannot write porn of any variety, nor romantic fluff.

exchange 2009, mod: assignment post

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