Nov 16, 2006 15:12
1. male friend: Ed
2. female friend: Ruth
3. Vacation: Canada
4. age: 17-21
5. Memory: Grandad and me walking Zak in the woods.
1. Time of the day: between 6-8 in the morning... it's not right to be getting up then.
2. Day of the week: Tuesday.
3. Food: banana (though it is quite fun to type)
4. Memory: Evil boy from upstairs in Nash grove
5. Boyfriend or girlfriend: Haven't got enough of a collection to state.
1. Person u saw: Tree
2. Talk on the phone with: Samii
3. Hugged: Tree
4. IM: Abi
1. Kiss: Ian Hustler (yeah - brilliant surname isn't it)
2. Serious bf or gf: John
3. Car: Never had one... learned in a new mini.
4. First school: Malpas Church Infants & Junior.
5. Job: papergirl but if that doesn't count, at Partners the stationers.
1. What are you doing now: faffing.
2. Tonight: Going to Wales.
3. Wearing: Jeans, black trainers, stripy green jumper.
4. what did you eat for lunch: Pasta and cheese... we're into the peasants rations.
5: Better than yesterday: about the same.
1. Is: Friday
2. Got any plans: Beth's birthday.
3. Goal: have fun.
4. Dislikes about tomorrow: making an effort.
5. Do you have work: Yeah, working with my dad in the day... VAT-tastic.
1. Number: 7
2: Song: ummm... it's probably gonna be old faithful - Summertime.
3. Color: Bluey-green
4. Season: Summer.
5. State: Post-Coital.
1. Are you in love?: Yes
2. Dating someone: Yes
3. Missing someone: Yes
4. Mood: Apprehensive & dissatisfied.
5. Wanting: Comfort.