Title: (Not Quite) Relativity
rollesonFandom: Dr Who
Rating: G
Character/Pairing: Ten/Donna friendship
Spoilers: Post The Fires of Pompeii. Mentions of other companions.
Warnings: None
Summery: Twenty thousand ancient Romans was a small fraction of the souls he felt he carried with him.
Notes: 1019 words, some angst, some humour. Thanks to
fififolle for the excellent beta.
I'm making a cup of tea, you want one?)
Title: Wander Around Enough And What Will You Find?
rollesonFandom: Dr Who
Rating: PG-13
Character/Pairing: Doctor/Donna friendship
Spoilers: Season Four new who
Warnings: mentions of porn
Summery: Donna gets finds The Doctors porn. Angst.
million_moments said to me 'Donna finds The Doctor's porn' and I wrote it and it was angsty. Thanks to
celandinehobbit for the beta. 1311 words.
She was lost; Bloody lost.)