Things for once seem so clear to me...

May 13, 2009 16:38

Well this week has been a difficult week for me. The decision to change my degree wasnt taken lightly. I looked down as many different avenues, wrote pros and cons for both Textiles and Fine Art, but i cant help where my heart lies and thats in Fine Art. So today ive sent an email requesting an interview for the Fine Art course at Wycombe, so hopefully fingers crossed ill have an interview next week, so all i need to do this week is get another portfolio together for the interview! Stress already lol

So i need to keep cool and calm, work out the work that really shows off my flare in Fine Art and hopefully i will be a first year Fine Art student for 2009/2010 :D
Ok yes it means having to do another three years, but i honestly dont care, now that i know what my first year has been like i will be more prepared for the next one!

Im just glad that something is happening at last that i can finally lay all my thoughts of should i? Shouldnt i? But now i can safely say im finally feeling positive about it all, proud of myself that i made this decision myself instead of just letting tutors decide it for me, but then again if they hadnt put me on this Textiles course i would most likely be working Full Time at PRIMARK and as much as i love working there, full time would kill me :S

So i can have a free summer to do what i want, but mostly im going to be working to get as much money as possible for the year at uni but also for some things i think i deserve to have, to treat myself!

This summer i really want to explore, mostly myself, i want to paint again, get myself back into the flow of it all. So at some point im going to take my camera with me and walk down to the river near to where i live and start taking photographs, with those photographs ill paint at home or find the view im looking for to paint. Going to buy myself some art equipment and take myself outside and paint. So heres hoping for a nice sunny summer!

new degree

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