((OOC note: So I couldn't just limit myself to five tweets - if you're anything like me and my friends, you tweet something, and then a conversation breaks out. Here we have five tweets and Martha's half of the ensuing conversation.
Edit: Apparently I mixed up Jeremy Clarkson and Richard Hammond! D: What can I say, I don't watch Top Gear...))
1. About to be elbow-deep in metal stingray SOMEONE left behind without even a note. Better get home in time for new ep of Top Gear.
- @captharkness I know, right? It was meant to be my day off, but no. Didn't even get time to set the DVR.
- @thedr >_>, MY ARSE.
- @captharkness well, you know, I quite fancy that Richard Hammond bloke.
- @supertemp no, I don't think he looks a bit like a dodgy hamster.
- @pcgcooper yeah, I wouldn't mind taking him for a test ride, if you know what I mean. ;)
- @captharkness yes, Jack, your SUV *is* much nicer, roomier, larger, etc. (@coffeeboy, someone seems to be awfully insecure. D:)
- @taptaptaptap god, would you STOP spamming already?
- @pcgcooper ugh, no, just some spammy bloke. better than porn spam, I guess.
- @supertemp I dunno, the Stig might be an alien...I'll have to check the files!
2. Another day, another alien - this one in @sj_smith's garden. Had tea with her and @thebrig, heard some stories I'm not allowed to repeat! ;)
- @captharkness (lol, keep typing your name as 'capthardness'. FREUDIAN SLIP, I'M SURE.)
- @captharkness check your email!
- @thedr :x? what the hell is that supposed to mean?
- @thedr ps, giant robots, how lame! rofl
- @pcgcooper loved the wedding pics, btw. @coffeeboy did a brilliant job with photoshop, you can hardly see the bump. or the alien blood.
- @supertemp oh, v. 80s. scarves were all the rage, apparently. and jelly babies, for some reason.
- @supertemp omg, the blackcurrant ones are rubbish!
3. Off to Cardiff for the weekend! Girls' night out with @pcgcooper and @supertemp, lovely!
- @captharkness drinking games in the hub? we would never do such a thing!
- @coffeeboy well, I suppose you can come along next time. ;)
- @captharkness oh bugger seem to have a bit of a problem here
- @captharkness DON'T LAUGH
- @captharkness also had a few too many pink sparkly drinks
- @captharkness if you take pictures i will never forgive you
- @captharkness I MEAN IT
- @coffeeboy DON'T LET HIM, IANTO
- @thedr you'd better keep your mouth shut, mister!
- @taptaptaptap ...
4. wtf is with all this bloody drumming everywhere? is @taptaptaptap some sort of viral marketing?
- @captharkness he's following you, too? what a creeper!
- @supertemp and you? totally bizarre.
- @thedr >.< ???? would it kill you to use some sodding words for once?
- @pcgcooper you've won tickets to rio? really? that doesn't half sound like a scam, love. :/
- @pcgcooper idk, it just sounds fishy to me!
- @captharkness I just can't shake the feeling I'm being watched. totally paranoid, right?
- @supertemp you're probably right, I just need to go home and relax.
5. .........oh bloody hell.
- @iamthemaster and blonde is a rubbish look for you
- @iamthemaster and that hoodie is crap
- @iamthemaster you are the master, I am the fashion police. :/
- @captharkness you all right over there? haven't heard from you...
- @supertemp and you?
- @captharkness we need to go check on @supertemp asap. god knows what @thedr's gone and got up to, probably something with @iamthemaster.
- @captharkness I know, we're always left behind to clean up the mess. sigh.
- @iamthemaster would you bugger off already? damn intergalactic cockroach.