Apr 04, 2010 23:55
Tattoos have already spread into global proportions, capturing the interest of a multitude of people from different countries - including rock stars, celebrities and other well known personalities. Not only does it provide a distinctive feature for the person wearing it but a tattoo is also one way to communicate an individual s personality. After all, history has revealed that tattoos were once used to signify a person s status.
When I first showed up to the local pool for swimming lessons with my son, I was a bit taken aback by his swimming instructor. Before, he had always had women, but this time a young man was going to instruct him. Amusingly, he had a tattoo on his back shoulder, and both of his nipples pierced. After the first week of lessons for my son, I finally decided to ask him about the tattoo on his back. (Good timing, since I was writing this!) It was a Japanese symbol, and surrounded by a ball of flame.