(no subject)

Dec 15, 2005 23:05

I hate beauty. I hate waking up every morning only to a mirror pointing out my every flaw and every absence of beauty. I want for once to have a moment when my soul thought is of how content I am with myself as opposed to how much flaw others will find. I love every part of what makes me me, why can’t others look past it and see that too? Why must we scrutinize what flaws others have when you know very well you have the exact same. Maybe we could all be friends. My mother always adviced me to look past everything you see and search for what’s inside. Always be true to who you are and always always always stay that way. I honestly think that you are all superficial and shallow, but I don’t let that bother me, because really it’s only myself that I care about. You will end up getting kicked in the ass for it anyway because your actions reverbrate more than you can even fathom. I’ve come to the conclusion in the past months that I am all I have in this world, and if i can’t love it, then I’m pretty much wasting my life. I love who i am. I love who I spend time with. I love everything about everything and I breathe it all in everyday. Sed I live for exactly this: to live. I don’t live to impress. I don’t live to live up to an unreachable status. I’ve given up on school, really. Everyone I look at is nothing but the same. Same orange skin tone, same blaring blonde hair. Is it so bad that I want my skin to be in tact in 20 years. Where will you even be in 20 years anyway? Do you have any goals in your life past the kegger on Friday or the boy you’ll fuck on Thursday ? Am I the only one here wanting to learn and take in the entire world and to live it all as much as i can am I really the only one that wants to get lost in a sea of new faces to see what I’ll discover am I really all that’s available go ahead and try to hold me down.
I promise you it won’t work.
I’m ment to be free and learn and grow and love and share and experience. I love that about myself and I love that about you because you have every place to do the same, the only difference between you and I is that I embrace everything i’m given. You see unlike you I grew up in different worlds I experienced the poor third world countries in Africa I lived in the small apartment and the small country town. I saw past present and future and I saw more than you ever will be willing to open your eyes to. Life outside of here is too much for you to take into account and the problems the world faces is too overwhelming to even fathom, isn’t it.
But when it all comes down to it really, i’m only just venting, and tomorrow I’ll put on the usual face of glory and I’ll join you in the gossip and the drama that makes this world go round. I’ll love you for you, however despicable you may be underneath, but that’s what is so clever about this life. We are all different and we need to learn to accept one another for it. Well here’s to you. I accept your every flaw, no matter what I say. And I’m happy with it either way.
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