Sign-ups are still open! And I'm still looking for a
Co-Mod and Banner Makers.
Welcome to the Second Round of
martha_lims, I'll be your host... wait. That doesn't work. XD Ta. Welcome to the first challenge, I hope that everyone enjoys their stay. I'm probably forgetting to address something, but I'm not sure what it is, so good luck, and please, have fun!
• You must be a member of the community and
signed up to participate.
• If you want to skip, you must comment here. I will not use one for you.
Check to see if you can skip. No skips on the First Challenge. No exceptions.
• Make ONE (1) icon. Entries are due Friday, October 19th at 10:55 P.M.
• You may not post your icon ANYWHERE until the results of the challenge are up. If I see that you have, you will be disqaulified.
• LiveJournal standard. 100×100, PNG/JPG/GIF, 40 KB or less.
• You are free to use any textures, brushes, text, etc.
• You MUST use one of the pictures provided; you may not use any others. Blending is allowed as well.
• Please reply with your icon and URL to this post.
• Images provided by
nightcomes at
In A Dream caps.
• Feel free to ask questions! =]
Entries: 11/15.
Small pimp:
Final Voting of Round One over at
plusone_lims and
Sign Up for Round Two. ^^;