A Day in February [Snapshot #5]

Oct 15, 2008 04:56

Fighting a bit of writer's block at the moment (in fact, this story was meant to be much longer -- a "week", not a "day" -- but I was struggling too much with it), so apologies for the delay in posting. I hope you guys enjoy it.


Title: A Day in February [Snapshot #5]
Author: radiantbaby
Characters/Pairings: Martha/Dr. John
[Note: ( Read more... )

pr0n, dr john, martha/john, fic, martha jones

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fourzoas October 15 2008, 12:55:54 UTC

That was too hot.

I love it when John reads to me, I must confess. It’s one of those simple little things, but I still do.

In the interest of full disclosure, I didn’t get many stories read to me as a child growing up. Mum and Dad were almost always too busy wrangling Tish - who was, as always, a bit of a wild child - and then later Leo (who was also a bit of a handful by all accounts), to give me that sort of attention. Mind you, I had mostly thought it was alright at the time, in that way you don’t miss something you’d never known, but the first time someone read me a story as an adult, I realized, quite sadly, what I’d really missed out on.

Strangely enough, the Doctor was the first person to read to me again. It was back when we were trapped in 1969 together and, with our television quite often on the blink, he would read me whatever books we could get a hold of - anything from Homer’s The Odyssey to the poetry of William Blake -- to pass the long hours of the night after I’d come home from my job.

I so love this and have been working with this idea a bit in a fic. Words are so incredibly powerful, and to be able to read them well, unashamedly, is really a great gift.

I love that the Doctor read Blake to Martha, and I often wonder what would have happened if he'd met Blake


radiantbaby October 19 2008, 07:04:20 UTC

That was too hot.

Aww, thanks! I am so glad that you thought so! :)

I so love this and have been working with this idea a bit in a fic. Words are so incredibly powerful, and to be able to read them well, unashamedly, is really a great gift.

Oh, I most certainly agree (but then that is probably the English Major in me talking)!

It came by accident in this ficverse really. I had made a John/Martha fanmix where I'd made a song that used David Tennant reading one of Keat's letters over "Martha's Theme" and ever since the idea of John reading poetry to Martha just stuck with me as something so wonderful they could share. And then my predilection toward the Romantic poets reared its head, of course.

I love that the Doctor read Blake to Martha, and I often wonder what would have happened if he'd met Blake.

That would be an excellent story, but then I am a bit of a Blake fangirl myself! :)

I decided that, in an effort to tie some of my fics together, I would reference when the Doctor read to Martha back in my 1969 fic I wrote a few months back. Again, I think it is such a delightful thing to share between people -- so intimate, really -- and I wanted to make sure to mention that the Doctor read to her as well in this story.

Martha is quite lucky to have such lovely boys reading poetry to her...


fourzoas October 20 2008, 03:47:45 UTC
Oh, I most certainly agree (but then that is probably the English Major in me talking)!

It came by accident in this ficverse really. I had made a John/Martha fanmix where I'd made a song that used David Tennant reading one of Keat's letters over "Martha's Theme" and ever since the idea of John reading poetry to Martha just stuck with me as something so wonderful they could share. And then my predilection toward the Romantic poets reared its head, of course.

1. English majors unite!
2. I'd love to get my hands on that track or him reading the letter...Keats read by Tennant over Gold? That just sounds like heaven...
3. Love them, the Romantic poets, love them with all my heart.

I have a wee idea for a fic involving Blake and one involving Yeats, but I doubt I'll get to them before next summer...unless persiflage_1's bunnies decide to take a trip overseas!


radiantbaby October 20 2008, 05:20:54 UTC
1. English majors unite!

Hooray! *does happy English major dance*

2. I'd love to get my hands on that track or him reading the letter...Keats read by Tennant over Gold? That just sounds like heaven...

The fanmix I made is here (which has that track): http://martha-dr-john.livejournal.com/6748.html

The letter is just excerpts since I cut out anything that didn't really fit into the John/Martha relationship (i.e. things that were specific from Keats to Fanny). I was also brand new to the audio mixing program, so it's not perfect, but it was a fun first attempt.

As for the clean reading of the whole letter (and Tennant reading Blake as well!), I'm about to send you a PM that I think you might enjoy.

3. Love them, the Romantic poets, love them with all my heart.

Oh yes, same here! I even had a Byron LJ icon for the longest time, but I think it got deleted in favor of one of my many Doctor Who icons.

I have a wee idea for a fic involving Blake and one involving Yeats, but I doubt I'll get to them before next summer...unless persiflage_1's bunnies decide to take a trip overseas!

Oooh, color me intrigued! Blake and Yeats are awesomesauce! :)


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