Martha Jones, Storyteller

Jun 04, 2008 17:48

Title: Martha Jones, Storyteller
Author: Persiflage_1
Characters/Pairings: Martha/Dr John (Love in the 21st Century)
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: DW Season 3
Summary: Martha tells John about her travels with the Doctor.
Disclaimer: I don't even own my brain any more, never mind Doctor Who!
Link: Martha Jones, Storyteller by persiflage_1 (Characters: Martha/Dr John | Rating: NC-17 | Spoilers: DW Season 3)

Author Notes: This is part four in this series of fics and after John shared his story with Martha (in Staring off a Cliff), Martha shares part of her story with John.

Previous stories in this series: Three Words, Doctors and Staring off a Cliff


John watched Martha talking to her brother on the other side of the table; Leo was telling her an anecdote about his baby daughter, but John could see she wasn't giving Leo her entire attention. Usually when people talked to Martha she listened; sometimes it was unnerving how intently she listened, focusing her whole attention on you, but at the same time, it was reassuring because you felt that whatever you were saying was of great importance to her, even if it was only something quite trivial. Tonight though, all through the meal with her family that she'd arranged to celebrate his birthday, she'd seemed slightly less focused, not quite so attentive as usual, and John wondered what was on her mind.

As if aware that he was watching her, she glanced across the table and smiled sweetly at him, and he felt his heart clench slightly. Sometimes he looked at her and wondered what he'd done to deserve having such a beautiful and loving woman in his life. He had fallen in love with her, which scared him slightly because he was afraid that he'd lose her, no, not afraid, terrified. It had been bad enough, losing Fay and the baby, but losing Martha - that would be completely devastating. He shook his head slightly, trying to dislodge such thoughts; tonight was not a night to be thinking of such things.

"You OK?" Martha mouthed at him across the table, her eyes full of concern.

He nodded, giving her a smile, then allowed Tish to claim his attention.

* * * * * *

As they headed back to Martha's flat in a taxi that Clive had insisted on paying for, John slipped his arm around her shoulders.

"Are you OK?" he asked quietly. "You've seemed very preoccupied all evening."

"I'm sorry." She tilted her head up from his shoulder to look up at him. "I'll explain when we get home."

"OK." He gave her a smile, then changed the subject to talk about her family instead until the taxi dropped them outside her flat.

Martha paid the driver whilst John went to open the front door: he and Martha had exchanged keys to their respective homes a while ago, but it still gave him a little kick to let himself into her flat.

He headed to the kitchen, knowing Martha would appreciate a cup of tea and he heard the front door close as he switched the kettle on. A moment later, she walked into the kitchen and gave him another smile.

"You read my mind," she observed, crossing the kitchen to his side.

"I did," he agreed, immediately wrapping his arms around her and indulging in a long, slow kiss; it was only a desperate need for air that caused them to pull apart again.

Martha leant her head against John's chest. "That was a toe-curler," she observed.

She felt his chuckle rumble through his chest. "Glad you enjoyed it." He stroked his hands up and down her bare arms, and felt her shiver a little in response.

"Let's make the tea and sit down," she suggested.


A few minutes later they settled on the sofa. "Do you remember, when we met Jack a couple of weeks ago, I told you that I'd had a job offer that was dependent on my exam results?"

"Of course," John said, "but you didn't say who it was from."

"No, I didn't. The thing is, now I've had my results, they're pressing me for an answer."

He cocked a quizzical eyebrow at her. "And?" He sensed there was something she wasn't sure about - his reaction, perhaps. He reached forward to pick up his tea from the coffee table.

Martha took a deep breath. "The job offer was from UNIT."

"UNIT?" He straightened back up immediately, leaving the mug of tea on the table. "UNIT as in Unified Intelligence Taskforce?" he asked, looking alarmed.

"As in," Martha confirmed.

"Why the hell would they offer you a job? You're not a soldier."

She put a gentle hand on his arm. "To understand that, I need to tell you a story," she said. "It may sound a bit unbelievable, but it's all true, I promise you."

He gave her a puzzled look as she reached forward and picked up her own tea. "OK," he said slowly.

"You remember I mentioned the Doctor?" He nodded. "Well, he's actually an alien who travels through Space and Time in a ship that looks like an old fashioned police box, that's called a TARDIS."

He gaped at her. "And this Doctor looks like me?"

She nodded. "You really could be twins."

"That's freaky." He rubbed a hand over his face. "So how did you meet him?"

"Do you remember when the Royal Hope disappeared?"

"Of course! I heard all about it afterwards. They blamed it on a mass hallucination." He looked dubious.

"Well the hospital was transported to the Moon by a race of space rhinos called Judoon. They were searching for an alien who was hiding out in the hospital disguised as a little old lady, but she was really a murderer."

"You're actually serious, aren't you?" John asked.

Martha nodded again. "I was there when the hospital was transported, and together with the Doctor, I helped the Judoon track down the alien, who was a Plasmavore."

John picked up his mug of tea and drank, looking thoughtful. "OK. It sounds a bit improbable, but I'll believe you. But what does this have to do with UNIT offering you a job?"

"Well after I helped the Doctor and the Judoon, he offered me the chance to travel with him, and I accepted." She set her mug down on the coffee table again. "So we went off to Elizabethan England and I met Shakespeare."

John noticed she looked slightly embarrassed as she said this. "What happened?"

"Well, I may have inspired Shakespeare to write some sonnets," she said.

"Somehow I find that a lot less hard to believe than I do space rhinos." He grinned as he noticed Martha's face taking on a reddish hue, and pulled her closer so he could kiss her gently. "Which sonnets did you inspire?"

"The 'Dark Lady' ones," she answered, settling comfortably into his arms.

"Nice," he murmured. "Where else did you go?"

"New New York on New Earth, about 500 million years in the future - there were cat people and a giant head in a jar." She didn't tell him that it was possible the giant head was a version of Jack; she still wasn't sure she believed that. "Also New York in America, in the 1930s. Met the Daleks there." She gave a little shiver.

"Daleks?" he said, "I remember seeing them on the TV, the day of that bad business at Canary Wharf."

"Yeah." They were silent for a moment before she spoke again. "Then the Doctor brought me back home - and we ended up at the LazLabs demonstration that went badly wrong."

"Blimey! Is there anything that's been big news that you've haven't been involved with?"

"You remember when the American President got shot on TV?"

"Yeah - something about aliens - they were big ball things, looked like something out of Star Wars," he said. "Never did find out what that was all about though."

Martha turned to look up into his face; she could see he was struggling to remember, and knew he wouldn't because of what the Doctor had done in rewinding that year.

"No, it was all hushed up. The Doctor is from a race called Time Lords, and there was another one called the Master, who used the alias of Harold Saxon to gain power in Britain in order to capture the Doctor. He was going to destroy the Earth and take over the galaxy."

John looked down into her face and saw a strained look there. "What happened?" he asked softly.

Martha took a deep breath, then began to tell him all about the Doctor, Jack and her family being captured, and her year walking the world, getting the Doctor's message out to as many people as possible. This was the first time she'd really talked in detail about that year: she hadn't told her parents, they were still struggling with what they'd experienced at the Master's hands and she hadn't wanted to burden them any further.

It took Martha a long time to get through her story as she broke down twice, the second time when she told John about being the only person to get out of Japan alive. When she'd finished, they sat in silence for a little while before John spoke.

"That's the most incredible story I've ever heard," he said softly. "I knew you were an amazing woman, but I never realised just how amazing."

Martha pulled herself upright and looked in the tissue box for another tissue; her eyes felt sore and swollen from crying, and she felt exhausted as well. "I don't feel very amazing," she answered hoarsely.

"Come on Doctor Jones, let's get you to bed." John got up, then picked her up carefully and carried her through to her bedroom, sitting her on the bed.

"I'm sorry that I've ruined your evening," she said.

"You haven't!" he exclaimed. "You've made my day in a way - it's not every man who can say he's dating a living legend."

"Don't John, please." She looked so upset that he knelt on the floor and took her face between his hands.

"I won't mention it again, if you don't want me to," he told her softly. "But you will always be a hero in my eyes." He kissed her briefly, then started to help her out of her clothes. "You need to sleep, I shouldn't wonder, after reliving all that."

She nodded tiredly, too exhausted to undress herself. He helped her into her pyjamas, then tucked her into bed, before moving away.

"You're not going, are you?" she asked.

He shook his head, feeling a catch in his breath at the plaintive tone in her voice. "I'm just going to the bathroom," he assured her. "Then I'll be back."

"Okay." She watched him cross the room, then closed her eyes. By the time John returned a few minutes later, she was fast asleep, curled on her left side. He hung up her dress, put away her shoes, and dropped her underwear into the laundry basket, then quickly changed into his own pyjamas. They both kept a few clothes at each other's flat for convenience, and he had wondered once about suggesting they move in together, but he didn't want to rush Martha into anything so he hadn't mentioned it yet.

He climbed into bed and curled his body around Martha's, thinking that he would do anything he could to protect her after what she'd told him tonight. She murmured something indistinguishable, but didn't wake as he slid his arms around her middle.

* * * * * *

It was about 2 am when John was startled awake by Martha crying out loudly, "No, don't! Just run, please RUN!"

He switched on the bedside light and shook her. "Martha, c'mon Martha, wake up."

She lashed out wildly, but he caught her arm safely and stroked her face, speaking softly to her; after a few moments she opened her eyes and looked dazedly at him.


"You were having a nightmare, I think."

She nodded, vaguely aware that she was crying. He reached out and rubbed the tears from her cheeks with his thumb.

"C'mere," he said, pulling her closer and wrapping his arms around her. "What was the nightmare about?"

"There was a girl, well teenager, who helped me out when I was in New York. We got corned by the Toclafane and she was killed."

"But she's alive now, yeah? You said that when the Doctor rewound the year, everyone who'd been killed during that year would have been alive again."


"It probably doesn’t help much, though, does it?" John asked perceptively.

"Not really," Martha answered. "I still saw all those people die - it happened for me, even if it didn't happen for anyone else."

She became aware that he was rhythmically rubbing his hand up and down her back, and allowed herself to relax her tense muscles.

"That's better," he murmured.

He kissed her cheek, then the side of her neck below her ear, eliciting a little shiver as his lips met the sensitive skin there. He kissed back along her jaw until he reached her mouth, then stroked his tongue across her lips, which parted eagerly. Martha began to kiss him back, and after a moment she moved to drape herself across his body.

"John, make love to me please?" she asked quietly.

"Gladly," he answered. He began unbuttoning her pyjama top, then rolled them over so that she was on her back. He pulled her top open and bent his head to lap delicately at a nipple, causing Martha to sigh quietly. After a few moments he moved across to the other nipple, leaving the first one hard and firm from his attentions.

She writhed on the bed, aware of just how aroused she was becoming as he began to kiss a path down her body. He paused at her belly button, swirling his tongue around her navel as he began to ease her pyjama trousers down. Martha lifted her bottom to help him, and then gasped as he kissed her inner thighs, before continuing down her legs, kissing them alternately. He lingered some time around the backs of her knees, teasing her sensitive skin there, before moving down to her ankles.

He pulled her pyjama trousers off her feet and dropped them on the floor, then tugged her into a sitting position to take off her pyjama top which also landed on the floor. Martha quickly unbuttoned his pyjama top, leaning forward to kiss his nipples as soon as she had bared them, whilst he shrugged out of the top and dropped that on the floor too.

John stood up on the bed and eased his trousers down, freeing his achingly hard cock with a sigh of relief.

"Lie on your stomach," he said quietly.

Martha gave him a questioning look, but did as he asked, then gasped as he began to kiss down the length of her spine from the nape of her neck to the small of her back. He put his hands on her hips, then lifted her lower body up and back until she was on her knees in front of him.

"Ever done it this way?" he asked, pulling her flush against his groin so that she could feel his hard length pressing against her bottom.

"No," she gasped breathless, now on her hands and knees. She was aware of how very aroused she was, her body throbbing with desire as John carefully moved her legs apart.

He moved back, then forward again and she felt his cock rubbing against her sex from behind. "OK?" he asked softly.

"Yes! Please John, don't tease me!"

"No teasing," he agreed, then eased his length into her.

Martha moaned; from this angle he felt far bigger and he seemed to penetrate deeper than ever before. He paused a moment once he was fully sheathed inside her hot core, then began to thrust slowly and carefully. After a few thrusts, he moved his hands from her hips to cup her breasts, teasing her nipples with his long slender fingers.

"Oh fuck!" She couldn't help the exclamation that slipped out as he toyed with her sensitive breasts.

"Good eh?" he asked in her ear.

"Ye-ungh!" Martha couldn't manage a more coherent response.

It only took a few minutes for her orgasm to hit her and John wasn't far behind in reaching his climax; they collapsed, breathless and sweaty, onto the bed, and he immediately rolled off her, not wanting to squash her. He stroked a gentle hand up and down her back as she struggled to catch her breath, then helped her to roll over, knowing she would breathe more easily that way.

"OK?" he asked her.

She gave him a bleary look then a brief nod, still speechless, and he couldn't help smirking at her. They cuddled up together, Martha's head on his right shoulder and his left arm across her body. He stroked her hair gently with his right hand and listened to her breathing slow down as she fell asleep again.

John lay awake for a while longer, thinking over everything Martha had told him earlier; as improbable as it all sounded, he didn't doubt the truth of what she had told him. When she'd first mentioned UNIT's name, he'd been horrified and wanted to tell her to turn down the job, feeling it was too dangerous, but now he knew what she'd done, he knew that she would never be really happy as a regular GP, surgeon or whatever. So even though the prospect of her working for UNIT worried him, he was going to encourage her to take it, because whatever else he wanted for and from Martha, the most important thing was for her to be happy.

* * * * * *

They slept late the next morning, and when Martha woke, it was to the scent of fresh coffee as John entered her bedroom carrying two mugs.

"Morning," he said cheerfully. "How are you feeling?"

"Mmm, morning."

She sounded sleepy still he noticed as she yawned and stretched her arms, then pulled herself up into a sitting position. She glanced down at herself, slightly surprised at her nudity until she remembered their love-making in the early hours.

"Tired," she answered. "I'm OK though. Thanks." She accepted the mug of coffee he held out and smiled when she saw he'd brought her Cappuccino with chocolate sprinkles on top.

He climbed into bed beside her. "What are you going to do about the job offer?" he asked after they both taken a few cautious sips of their drinks.

"I don't know."

He looked thoughtful. "I think you should take it."

"You do? But last night, you sounded horrified by the idea," she observed.

"I was, but that was before I heard your story. Now I've heard about what you did, I can't imagine you settling easily into a 'regular' job. It seems to me that working as an MO with UNIT would be ideal for you - you could go on doing the extraterrestrial stuff, as well as practising medicine." He slipped an arm around her shoulders. "What do your family think?"

"Dad said much the same thing you did, Tish is slightly appalled but resigned, and mum's coming around to the idea."

"And Leo?"

She shrugged a shoulder. "He doesn't really care. Since he has no memories of the Year That Wasn't, he's not bothered one way or the other. Sometimes, I think he thinks we're all a bit mad."

"Well you can't really blame him," John said, "not when he has no recollection of any of it."

"I know."

"So if you take them up on the offer, what will happen?"

"I have to go and see Colonel Chaudhry for an evaluation. If they're happy with the results of that then I'll get a formal job offer, and if I accept it they'll rush through my full qualification as a Doctor - the Colonel said they could do that on the basis of my 'field experience'."

"So I'll be dating an MO," he observed. "Does that mean I'll have to salute you?"

"And obey my every order," she agreed, smirking up at him over the rim of her mug.

"Oh yes?" He felt himself hardening and saw Martha's gaze drop to his groin, her smirk becoming an outright grin when she saw his reaction.

"I think you like that idea," she commented, her voice suddenly low and husky. She put her mug on the bedside locker, then took John's from him as well.

He grinned at her. "Maybe."

She leant forward and kissed his jaw, then spoke quietly in his ear. "John, your cock's standing to attention, I don't think there's any 'maybe' about it."

He gasped a little as she brushed her hand down his hard length. "Definitely, then," he answered a little breathlessly as she moved to straddle his legs, his cock trapped between their bodies.

"I wonder if I'll get a swagger stick," she mused.

"Martha!" He gave her a genuinely shocked look and she snorted with laughter, then moved to take him inside herself.

"Oh that's good," he murmured, wrapping his arms around her before kissing her hungrily.

She began to move up and down on his cock, and soon neither one of them was thinking about UNIT, aliens or anything else except giving and receiving pleasure from the other, and then they weren't thinking at all, they were just feeling.

martha/john, fic

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