
May 28, 2008 15:06

Title: Doctors
Author: Persiflage_1
Characters/Pairings: Martha/Dr John (Love in the 21st Century), Jack Harkness
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: Vague for DW Season 3
Summary: John meets some of Martha's friends.
Disclaimer: I don't even own my brain any more, never mind Doctor Who!
Author Notes: radiantbaby and I thought it would be fun to team up Martha with Dr John, David Tennant's character in "Love in the 21st Century", and she wrote Three Words. After some discussion we decided to collaborate on a series of Martha/Dr John fics set after Season 3 - this fic is the second in that series.

This fic is for padawanpooh who kindly made some fabulous Dr John/Martha manips.


John ran a comb through his wayward hair, then checked his appearance in the mirror. He was feeling uncommonly nervous this evening as he was going to be meeting some of Martha's friends for the first time; she had just finished the last of her exams and had invited John to join them in celebrating. Since the two of them had barely seen each other during the last couple of weeks, between her exam/study schedule and his shifts, he had agreed, although a little reluctantly. He would have preferred to have had Martha to himself this evening: he'd thought of taking her out for dinner and maybe some dancing, but he didn't want to appear selfish so he'd agreed to join her and her friends at St Stephen's Tavern, not too far from the hospital.

He was wearing black jeans, a dark green shirt and black trainers, and he hoped he looked smart enough; he wasn't a big one for dressing up and hated wearing a suit so he mostly avoided them.

He let himself out of the house and made his way to the tube station. He had decided to leave his car at home so that he wouldn't have to worry about how much he could drink; plus, taking the tube meant he had less chance to smoke, and he was trying to give it up. He decided he would have one cigarette now, to calm his nerves, and then that would be it for the evening.

* * * * * *

Martha finished brushing her hair, then picked up a hair tie and fixed it into what Leo persisted in calling her 'pineapple' style. She checked her appearance in the mirror and decided that her black jeans and green t-shirt looked good with her favourite boots and her grey leather jacket. She slipped her purse, keys and mobile into some of the jacket's many pockets, then checked she had everything she needed before heading out.

She was both excited and nervous about the evening ahead: excited because she was seeing John again and, unlike the last few times, she wouldn't have part of her attention on her exams, and nervous because this would be the first time she'd introduced him to anyone, and she wasn't sure what her friends would make of him. She hoped none of them would spot his resemblance to a certain John Smith, former patient at Royal Hope. She still hadn't told John that he was the Doctor's double; she knew she would have to at some stage, but she'd been putting it off, just like she'd been putting off talking about her non-relationship with the Time Lord. For one thing, she hadn't wanted to spoil the few brief meetings they'd managed, and for another she just wasn't sure yet how serious their relationship was. They had still only made love once and she'd had plenty of relationships in the past that hadn't gone any further (or even got so far).

She let herself out of the house and headed for the tube station, deciding that she wasn't going to worry just yet about where her relationship with John was going; she was simply going to concentrate on relaxing and having some fun after her punishing exam schedule.

* * * * * *

John entered St Stephen's Tavern and glanced around quickly. There was no sign of Martha yet, in fact it was barely even half full; he headed over to the bar and ordered a half, deciding that it would be a good idea not to drink too much just yet. He'd only just paid for his drink when a hand stroked down his back and a quiet voice greeted him.

"Hello John."

He turned his head and smiled down at the slender young woman at his side. "Martha!"

He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her, trying to curb the fierce hunger that swept through his body at the sight of her. She responded to his kiss as eagerly as he'd hoped, her hands tangling into his hair, and he suppressed a moan.

"How are you?" he asked once he'd released her from his kiss. He noted that she looked slightly dazed and watched as she ran her tongue across her lips.

"Better for seeing you," she assured him. "You?"

"The same," he answered. He leant his forehead against hers for a moment, then straightened up again. "What are you having?"

She looked thoughtfully at the bottles lined up behind the bar.

"It ought to be champagne," he said suddenly, interrupting her musings.

She quirked an eyebrow at him. "Champagne?"

"To celebrate," he said.

"Let's save the champagne for after I get my results," she said. "Call me superstitious, but I'd rather not count my chickens just yet."

"If you're sure," he said, trying not to sound disappointed.

"I am," she answered decisively. "I'll have a half of whatever you're having."

John caught the barman's eye and repeated Martha's order. "I thought it'd be busier than this," he commented.

"It usually is earlier in the evening," she answered. "All the civil servants stop by on their way home."

"Oh. What - ?" The rest of his question was lost as Martha's mobile suddenly rang.

"Sorry," she said, pulling a wry face as she eased the phone from her pocket. She put the phone to her ear.


John turned to take Martha's drink from the barman.

"Jack! How did you get my number?"

John turned back towards Martha hearing excitement in her voice and wondering at it.

"Well I'm not at home," she said. "I finished my exams today so we're all meeting at the pub for a drink." She listened to Jack. "Well you could join us. We're at the St Stephen's Tavern."

John felt his heart sink at Martha's words. He'd been hoping to spirit her away reasonably early, but if this Jack was going to show up, the chances of that happening were very slim. He wondered who Jack was - Martha's face was animated and bright as she talked to him, so he couldn't be the man who hadn't seen her, because she sounded very happy to hear from Jack.

"OK, see you in a bit. Bye." Martha ended the call and turned to take her drink from the bar.

"So who's Jack?" John asked as casually as he could manage.

"He's a friend, I met him when I was travelling with another friend. He's - well you'll see," she smiled up at him. "Words can't really do Jack justice."

John felt his heart sink lower and something must have shown in his face because Martha put a hand on his arm.

"It's not like that," she said. "He's just a very good friend, nothing more. We had some intense experiences together, but there was no sex involved."

He swallowed, then gave a quick nod. "OK."

"You'll like him," she said with a grin, "almost everyone does."

He nodded again, then changed the subject. "So what are your plans, now you've finished your exams?"

"First and most important of all, lots of sleep and relaxing for the next few days, and then I've promised to help Tish redecorate her flat next week."

"And will you be needing a hand with the relaxing?" he asked, grinning down at her.

"Oh I think I might," she answered, "if I can find the right hands, that is."

His grin widened further when she stepped closer and slid an arm around his waist.

"I rather like your hands," she said.

"Yeah? I might be able to spare them for an hour or two here or there."

She stood up on tiptoes to kiss his cheek and he immediately cupped her face in his hands to kiss her mouth instead.

"Is this a private party or can anyone join in?" drawled an American voice behind them.

Martha started and turned. "Jack!"

"Hello gorgeous." He held out his arms wide and Martha almost launched herself at him. John's heart sank into his boots as he took in the tall, well muscled, well dressed American who was currently kissing Martha even more thoroughly than he had just done.

He turned away and picked up his glass again, downing the rest of his drink in several quick swallows.

"And who's your friend?" asked Jack.

"Jack this is Dr John MacLachlan, John this is Captain Jack Harkness."

John set down his empty glass and turned around again, and found Jack staring at him as if he'd seen a ghost.

"What the hell?" said the American disbelievingly. "Martha?"

"What's wrong?" asked John aggressively, his hands unconsciously curling into fists.

"Just - just give me a minute please John?" Martha gave him a pleading look, then grabbed Jack's arm and pulled him across the room.

"What the hell did you do to the Doctor?" asked Jack in an angry whisper.

"Nothing! Really," she said seeing his disbelieving look. "That's not the Doctor. I know John looks like him, but I promise you that he's completely human."

"Can you swear to that?" Jack demanded.


"How did you meet him?" He was fiddling with his wrist computer.

"At the hospital," Martha answered. "He looked after me one day when I was feeling a bit under the weather." She didn't want to tell Jack she'd actually fainted from shock at seeing John.

She watched silently as Jack activated the device strapped to his wrist, knowing he wouldn't be happy until he was positive John was who she said he was.

"OK, one heartbeat, typical human respiratory system, no traces of Vortex energy on him." He was talking more to himself than her, but she answered him anyway.

"Satisfied?" she asked. "Can we please rejoin my boyfriend before he decides we're too weird for comfort?"

He gave her a rueful smile. "I'm sorry," he said. "I just wanted to be sure. After what happened with the Master, I worry about you."

"I know," she answered softly, "and I appreciate it." She took his arm and pulled him back across the room to where John was standing at the bar, shifting uneasily from foot to foot.

"Sorry about that," Jack said, giving the other man a disarming smile and holding out his hand. "I apologise for rudely dragging your date away from you."

John glanced from Jack's face to Martha's anxious one, then accepted Jack's hand and shook it.

"So, you two known each other long?" Jack asked, slinging an arm around each of their shoulders.

"Just a few weeks actually," Martha said. "John's not been in London that long."

"So, where are you from John?" asked Jack, sounding genuinely interested, which put John a little more at ease.

"I moved down here from Manchester, but I'm from Glasgow originally," he answered, the burr in his voice becoming slightly more noticeable.

"So, what are we all drinking? If you've finished your exams, you should be drinking champagne." Jack glanced down into Martha's upturned face.

"John already offered to buy me some," she answered, "but I said no. Don't want to jinx my results."

"Nonsense!" Jack exclaimed. "You're going to pass with flying colours, I'm sure." He turned to John. "Don't you agree?"

"Given how hard she worked, I'd be surprised if she didn't. Why don't we buy a bottle between us?" he suggested, pleased that Jack had such confidence in Martha.

"Good idea," Jack agreed, slapping him on the back. "Why don't you two find us a table, and I'll get the drinks?"

John quickly assented and led Martha over to a corner table.

"So, what do you think?" Martha asked him once they were seated.

"He seems like a nice guy," John answered slowly, "if very free with his kisses."

She blushed, clearly a little embarrassed. "That's Jack, though. He is very free with his kisses. It's his way of saying hello to his friends, male or female."

John raised an eyebrow at that, reminding Martha more strongly than ever of the Doctor. "So why did he look at me like he'd seen a ghost, then drag you aside?"

Martha took a deep breath. "You remember I told you about my doctor friend who didn't see me?" she asked carefully. He nodded. "Well, you could be his twin brother."

He gave her a shocked look. "Is that why you're dating me? You couldn't have him, so I'm his substitute?" he asked sounding hurt. He hadn't imagined she was dating him on a rebound and he felt his stomach clench with nerves at the idea.

"No! God John, no." She took his hands in hers. "Of course you remind me of him, that can't be helped, but I didn't agree to date you for that reason. In fact, I almost didn't agree for that very reason. But then I decided it wouldn't be fair to hold it against you, especially when you're quite a different man to him."

She sounded so earnest and sincere that he couldn't help believing her. He blew out a breath, then turned his hands over in hers so that they were holding hands. "OK then."

She leaned forward and kissed him softly, and he responded eagerly.

"I brought some nuts, but I guess I needn't have bothered if you two are busy," Jack observed as he joined them, setting down a bottle of champagne and three glasses, before taking some bags of nuts from his coat pocket.

Martha pulled away from John, laughing. "Feeling jealous, Jack?" she asked teasingly, as John went to pour the champagne.

He nodded. "Yeah I am actually. When do I get to kiss the wonder boy?"

"What?" asked John, startled.

"Hey, don't waste that!" Jack admonished. "That's decent champagne and shouldn't be wasted by being poured onto the table."

John looked down at the bottle in his hand and saw what Jack meant: he'd almost missed the glasses he'd been so surprised by Jack's comment, even though Martha had told him that Jack kissed men and women in the same manner.

"So, do I get to kiss you too?" the American asked with a leer.

Martha paused in the act of opening a bag of nuts, her attention caught; she had to admit that she wouldn't mind seeing the two of them kiss; she shifted a little, feeling a gentle throb between her thighs.

"I - uh - I don't know," John stuttered. "I don't normally kiss men."

"Normally?" Jack asked, pouncing on the word immediately. "But in the right circumstances you would?"

John felt his face growing hot even as he noticed his jeans were feeling a little tighter. "Maybe," he ventured, glancing across at Martha and seeing a veiled expression of arousal on her face.

Jack smirked. He could tell that both of them were aroused by the idea of him kissing John, which suited him fine. "Excellent. So when are the rest of your friends getting here?" he asked Martha.

She shrugged. "No idea. We said we'd meet at eight."

"They're lousy time-keepers, which means they'll make good doctors," John commented with a grin as he began to pour the champagne.

Martha and Jack exchanged a glance, both thinking of a certain Time Lord of their acquaintance.

"Well if they don't turn up in the next half hour, I say we vote with our feet and go dancing," Jack suggested. "We should be celebrating properly."

"I agree," John said. "But first, a toast." He picked up his glass and the others followed suit. "To Martha Jones, soon to be an extraordinary doctor."

"To Martha Jones, who's always gorgeous," Jack said.

Martha felt herself blushing as she clinked their glasses with her own. "Thanks."

"So, any ideas what you're going to do once you've got your results?" Jack asked. "I really can't see you settling down as a GP."

"Actually I have had an offer," Martha said. "It's dependent on my results though."

John gave her a quizzical look. "You never said."

She looked momentarily disconcerted. "I - uh - I haven't given it a lot of thought, that's why. Too busy with exams, you know."

Jack raised an eyebrow at her, sensing there was more that she wasn't saying, and deciding that he would have to find a way of asking her who the job offer was from if she didn't want to say in front of John.

"So which branch of medicine do you work in John?" asked Jack, carefully redirecting the conversation and earning a grateful smile from Martha.

John began to talk about his training as a general surgeon, and his intention to train as a trauma and orthopaedic surgeon once he'd completed his current training.

"How long have you got left to train as a general surgeon?" asked Martha.

"Two months," John answered.

"And how long does it take to train as a specialist surgeon?" asked Jack.

"Usually between five and six years. You don't take up surgery if you want to earn a fast buck," he said.

"Does anyone go into medicine to earn a fast buck?" Jack asked with a quizzical look.

"Well no, not really."

"You must be a couple of years older than Martha then," Jack commented.

John nodded. "I'm 26, nearly 27." He smiled. "My birthday's in June."

"We'll have to go out for a meal to celebrate," Martha suggested.

"Sounds good." John smiled, liking the idea, but hoping they might do other things to celebrate as well.

"So Jack, what do you do? You haven't said."

"I work for a Cardiff-based organisation," Jack answered. "I've a small team of people that I manage."

"And you're a fan of vintage clothing I take it?" John asked, rubbing the edges of Jack's coat, which he'd slung over a spare chair, between his long slender fingers.

Martha had a sudden memory of those same fingers on her body and squirmed slightly in her seat, drawing the attention of both men.

"You all right?" Jack asked her.

"Fine," she answered, hoping her face wasn't giving her away, although the smirk on Jack's face suggested he knew something of what she was thinking.

"We should finish up this champagne and go dancing," Jack said. "It doesn’t look like your friends are going to show up."

Just then Martha's mobile rang and she dug around in her jacket pocket for it.

"Hello?" She frowned. "What do you mean where am I? Where are you? We said we'd meet at St Stephen's Tavern, and that's where I am."

There was a pause and both men watched as Martha's frown deepened. "The Gloucester Arms near St Stephen's Church? Honestly Morgenstern, you're hopeless." She listened again. "No I'm not going to drag over there now. If you were that desperate for me to be there, you'd have rung me at least half an hour ago. Anyway I met a couple of friends here and we're going dancing now. Tell Julia I'll give her a ring next week. Bye."

She ended the call, then pocketed her phone. "Morgenstern's so hopeless he can't even organise a piss-up properly," she said, then picked up her glass and downed the last of the bubbly.

"Dancing it is then," Jack said with a grin.

John nodded his agreement and ten minutes later they were making their way out of the pub, then Jack hailed a taxi to take them to a nightclub he knew. They piled into the back of the cab with Martha in the middle, where she immediately found herself growing aroused at being sandwiched between two gorgeous men; she wondered if going dancing with them was a good idea, and she couldn't help thinking that going to bed with them might be a much better one, even though she'd never done anything like that before. She frowned, wondering if it was the champagne that was putting such ideas in her head, or it might be Jack's uninhibited presence, she thought as she felt his hand on her knee.

Before she could work out the answer to that the taxi pulled up and a few minutes later they were inside the club; Martha winced slightly at the volume of sound that assaulted their ears as they made their way through to one of the dance floors, having left their coats in the cloakroom.

She couldn't help feeling glad that she'd put her boots on, otherwise she'd have felt even more dwarfed than she did standing next to Jack and John. What is it with me and tall men? she wondered briefly before they each grabbed a hand and tugged her to stand between them. She hadn't really imagined John dancing, or Jack for that matter, but she discovered they were both good, and she felt a bit of a dork because she knew she wasn't a good dancer. However that didn't seem to bother either of her partners and she began to relax when John put his hands on her hips from behind, encouraging her to move with him. Then Jack put his hands over John's, moving closer to Martha until she was practically sandwiched between the two of them and she felt desire washing through her again. It didn't help that both of them were also becoming aroused, judging from hardness of their bodies when they brushed against hers.

They spent a couple of hours dancing, with pauses for drinks and to catch their breath, and Martha felt constantly aware of her body and theirs. John seemed nearly as uninhibited as Jack in touching her whilst they danced, and they both indulged in a fair bit of kissing too; it was a relief when John suggested they go back to his place.

They piled out of the taxi and John almost dragged Martha through the front door before pinning her against the wall and beginning to kiss her hungrily, his hands roaming across her body. Jack watched, hoping he would get a turn too.

"Bedroom," John said thickly, finally pulling his mouth from Martha's. He helped her out of her jacket and pulled off his own, dropping them both onto the floor, then he picked her up and carried her to his bedroom, Martha giggling breathlessly.

Jack slid out of his own coat, and hung up all three coats, before following them. He found John had already removed Martha's t-shirt and had her jeans half off by the time he arrived, even though he hadn't lingered. He leant against the wall, watching them and biding his time as John got Martha down to her bra and knickers. Both men could clearly see the evidence of her arousal and Jack felt himself hardening further as John knelt between her spread legs and bent forward to drag his tongue up Martha's entrance, pushing the material of her knickers between the lips of her sex. She gasped at the friction this caused, feeling the throb of her arousal increasing at every touch from John.

He eased her knickers down, kissing her softly on each leg in turn as he slipped them down, then he kissed back up her legs again, pausing to lap delicately at the skin at the back of her knees, then nipping gently at her inner thighs. Jack could see that Martha was clutching the bedding in an almost-white knuckle grip, her head pressed back hard against the pillows, and he stifled a moan of pleasure. As John buried his mouth between Martha's thighs, Jack unfastened his trousers and eased his erection free, beginning to stroke himself slowly, determined not to come before Martha did.

Martha felt as if she was drowning in a sea of desire as pleasure washed through her body; she was quite surprised that she hadn't already come, given how aroused she'd been before John had even begun doing clever things with his tongue. As it was it only took a few minutes before Martha cried out John's name and came hard. She lay panting and slightly dizzy as he crawled up the bed and lay beside her, dotting her face with feathery kisses as she came down from her high.

"Good?" he asked softly.

"Very good," she agreed. She suddenly noticed Jack, leaning against the wall and gave him a startled look. She hadn't really registered his presence before and she felt embarrassed when she realised he'd been watching her being pleasured by John.

"You look gorgeous when you come," he said softly.

John's head jerked up; he'd also forgotten Jack had followed them into the house, he'd been so intent on Martha.

Jack must have realised this, because he gave them both an apologetic look. "Sorry guys, I thought you knew I was still here." He clearly wasn't embarrassed by the situation and looked eager to join in.

Martha looked at John and he could see that she was quite interested in Jack joining them. He didn't know what to say to that, he wasn't ready to share Martha with someone else yet, and he wasn't sure he'd ever be ready to share her with Jack, who was so confident and self-assured.

"What do you think?" Martha asked him.

"I - uh - I don't know," he answered, feeling awkward and uneasy, his desire rapidly cooling.

"Some other time, maybe?" Jack suggested, seeing the doubt in John's eyes.

"Maybe," John agreed.

Jack nodded, then rearranged himself and his clothes. "Don't get up," he told Martha.

"I'll see you out," John said, climbing off the bed and following Jack to the front door.

"Sorry about that," John said awkwardly as Jack pulled on his coat.

"Hey, no harm, no foul," the American responded, pulling John into a sudden embrace and startling the other man again. "You don't need to be afraid of me, you know," Jack whispered in his ear before pulling back.

Jack saw that John was blushing as he shuffled nervously. "It's just… I'm just…"

"Intimidated by me?" Jack suggested with a wink. "Look, Martha means the world to me and I've never hurt in a million years, literally, and I have no interest in causing trouble between the two of you, I promise. But if you ever want to play," he paused, pulling a business card from his pocket, which he handed to Jack, "I'd really love it."

John shook his head, laughing softly. "Martha was right about you."

"What did she say? That I'm devastatingly handsome and sexy, with a jawline to yearn for, and that she dreams of me every night?" Jack asked, lifting his chin and preening like a peacock.

"Not exactly," John answered, laughing again. "She said 'Words can't really do Jack justice', and she was definitely right about that!"

"Hmm, 'Words can't really do me justice', I like that. Maybe I'll put that on my business card." Jack gestured to the card John held. "Now I'm going to take my leave of you, because there's a beautiful young woman waiting in your bed who needs your attention far more than I do."

John put his hand on Jack's shoulder. "Thanks, Jack. It's been a pleasure meeting you."

"Oh you don't know pleasure, yet." Jack winked again, but then his expression became more serious. "Now you take care of Martha. She's very special to me. You seem like a good man, John, so don't let me hear otherwise."

With that Jack pulled away from the other man and let himself out. John stood for a moment, somewhat stunned by the whirlwind force of Captain Jack Harkness, then looked down at the card he held. It simply said 'Torchwood', 'Captain Jack Harkness' and listed a telephone number in small type. It surprised him a little that it was such a simple card, especially coming from someone as flashy as Jack. He shrugged, then pocketed it before heading back to the bedroom and Martha.

"You all right?" she asked as he wandered in, looking slightly dazed.

He nodded as he began to get undressed, his desire returning in a rush as he took in the sight of Martha's curvy form, her brown skin gleaming.

"I'm OK," he said. He climbed onto the bed and Martha sat up to give him a hug. A moment later her bra landed on the floor, and then John was kissing her, his tongue sliding over her lips and then over her tongue when she opened her mouth.

"John, make love to me please?"

"Gladly." He moved to lie on his back and held her arms as she moved over to straddle him, then he dropped his hands to her hips as she lowered herself down onto his achingly hard cock.

Once John was buried deep inside Martha, they both paused a moment to enjoy the sensation, then she began to move, lifting herself up and down his length.

"You wanted to fuck Jack," he observed, slightly breathlessly.

"I wanted to fuck you both," she corrected.

"Why?" Seeing her confused look, he clarified. "Why did you want to fuck us both? What - unh - what appeals to you about the idea?" He gave a soft groan as he felt Martha's muscles clenching around his cock.

"Being the centre of attention for two gorgeous men," she answered, now as breathless as John as her orgasm approached. "It would be a novelty."

She leant forward to rest her hands on his chest as he began to thrust upwards more urgently as he felt his own orgasm hovering close.

"Two pairs of hands," he commented, "and two mouths to please and tease you." He groaned and thrust even harder, then shouted her name as he came, vaguely aware that she was repeating his name over and over as she came too.

He pulled Martha down to lie, breathless and quivering, on top of him and ran trembling hands up and down her back. Once they'd caught their breath, he kissed her gently, his hands still stroking across her body.

"That was fantastic," he told her.

"Mmm, yeah," she agreed and John could see she was half asleep.

"Go to sleep," he told her, before kissing the tip of her nose. She smiled sleepily, then settled down with her head on his chest, and they were both asleep in a few moments.

jack harkness, martha/john, fic

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