The lives of others

Mar 06, 2010 22:14

I love a group called Anaquim, they're brilliant...

They have a song called "as vidas dos outros", that basically describes how the lives of others are so easy and good compared to ours.

I heard about this song during an exam, my best friend sang it to me so I wouldn't feel bad.

It worked.

The reason why I love this song is how true it is... I can solve any problem, except my own, which is funny cause let's face it I am the queen of complaints.

How much better it would be if I awoke one day and had their lives in place of mine - I am a sad spinster who will never go anywhere - I tell myself.

Other times I feel so superior to others cause if I can figure out what's wrong with them and what's the solution then so should they.

Completely forgetting the fact that well I don't have my own life figured out, and how much that pains me every day - Bocados de mim from Anaquim also describes this.

But sometimes I have a good day and I think "damn I'm lucky", out of everything that is wrong in the world my problems are tiny.

And on those day I listen to Anaquim - O meu coração.

(yes this whole post was about my feelings and music describing them in a eerie way, and how AWESOME Anaquim is).

musica portuguesa, life

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