10 random thoughts

Nov 20, 2009 21:10

1- Who has the special edition of HP? I DO I DO I DO
2 - Oprah is quitting? What the hell? She's kidding right?
3 - Precious precious advice: You wear/make fashion, fashion doesn't wear/make you remember that next time you go buy stuff
4 - Family law tests have gone trough a painfull painfull divorce with Time, I need a Tardis everytime I make one;
5 - Portugal is in the World cup!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
6 - Me? Hating "intelectual" people? It's more likely than you think.
7 - Today someone told me either I was princess in another lifetime or I am one now... because of my wrists - The more you know moments.
8 - I am now officially addicted to... tvtropes.
9 - I am (apparently) a horcrux hunter.
10 - I am now Lady geek (according to the king)

That is all

random thoughts

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