Twilight saga: Eclipse

Jul 04, 2010 00:30

I'm not gonna lie, I like the twilight saga because it brings in the lulz and has really good soundtracks, it's just true.

But the Twilight saga: Eclipse, it's like eating really bad fast food: you think you're gonna enjoy it, but that's before you die of food poisoning in the middle of your own vomit.

I went to Eclipse, thinking: hey let's laugh...

Boy, was I wrong.

It started off well: Harry Potter trailer (the best trailers this year has come from this series, more deserving of the word saga than that shit that names it self Twilight), I was excited omg I cried, you know what you usually feel when you watch a HP trailer.

When the movie started i went: ok.

I started to suffer, as in actual ache on my legs, you know that ache that you get when you jsut want to RUN AND NEVER LOOK BACK? yeah like that.

In vain, I tought maybe it's taking a sh*t long time because it's really late and they're not gonna pause the movie, I looked at my watch AN HOUR had passed.


When they finally paused the movie, I went to the bathroom and when my friend asked me if I was liking the movie I started to laugh maniacally... and said: It's the worst movie I have ever seen.

Dear Readers

It's a REALLY bad movie, not "so bad it's good", but "so bad, it's horrible":
the soundtrack sucks;
The dialogue it's ridiculous;
The acting it's atrocious;
Second hand embarassement it's everywhere;
It's forgetable to the point that my friends (who claimed to love the movie) forgot parts of it as soon as they left the theatre.

All in all it should be thrown onto a Black hole, and never ever remembered.

P.S. - Voldemort, we need you right now.


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