this weekend i went to magdeburg for a wedding. magdeburg is in former east germany. there are definitely some differences between east and west still. the road we drove on to the wedding for example... concrete slabs through a corn field. it was funny, actually. all of the houses are still the same, but you can tell people have tried to personalize them.
the estate that the wedding was at was taken over by the communist government after the war. the family that lived there moved somewhere else, but they've recently moved back and just bought the estate back from the german government. it's a huge estate with a barn and a castle that is now a school. the family is royalty, btw. not necessarily high-ranking like the queen of england, but royalty nonetheless (a count and a countess or something). the family i babysit for knows them, in case you're wondering why i was at this wedding. i went with them to help out.
the wedding was interesting. we sat next to spanish royalty and ate lunch with prince hubertus (german - related to kaiser wilhelm) - and jean carlo, italian royalty. hubertus and jean carlo are really down to earth and couldn't care less that they are royalty. they both live in munich and jean carlo has an apt. the size of mine (really small!) and collects antiques. hubertus is the nicest guy you will ever met, but he's determined that he will never get married and is going to live alone the rest of his life (sad). he's moving back to his parent's castle in august to work for them. i got the royal dirt. apparently the queen of denmark is a royal bitch (bad pun). she wasn't at this wedding, but she was at one that the family i babysit for had attended earlier and she fell and the dad of my fam went to help her up and she shooed him away because he's a "commoner." whatever, ho. i curtsied to prince hubertus without even knowing it. i just ooze class. it's just innate. haha. jaaay kaay.
i had my own hotel room and was allowed to order room service. and i went swimming and in the sauna. no one else was there. i like having my own private pool and sauna. the weekend was overall really nice. and definitely an experience i'm going to remember. it's not every day that you curtsy to a prince. i am glad to be back in civilization though. east germany is... interesting.
entrance to the estate.
part of the garden/yard with the castle in the background.
more of the estate.
my hat! all of the women wore hats to the wedding.
full wedding outfit. haha. (this picture is for theresa for her birthday)
at the reception.
you know, just my room service...
my date to the wedding.