Feb 03, 2014 14:31
Whatever you do, don't start your book with the character waking up and going through their daily morning routine. It is as boring as sin (unless something unusual happens during this period). I'm sticking with this book because I really liked the previous book I read by the same author, but lordy--is this one slowly-paced and overly descriptive. Unless the action starts to pick up I may not finish it.
One of the YouTube channels I subscribe to is a 'research group' that has established an 'ongoing dialogue' with a tribe of Bigfoot somewhere in Canada. The bigfoots are referred to by the researchers as 'A primal people," which makes them sound more like some degenerated cavemen than upright apes. But in any event, one of the bigfoots that has been contacted by the group has given it's name as Nephatia. Now honestly, that doesn't sound like a bigfoot name to me. It sounds like a Greek high priestess or something. I'd find this more believable if the bigfoot's name was Org or Klonk or Woot. But they stick by their guns, with entries like this: An incredible end to a year of activity that has set a new level of interaction with the sasquatch people and our forest friend Nephatia. I suspect that this will eventually be revealed as an elaborate hoax, for what it's worth...
Woody Allen's (adopted) daughter with Mia Farrow has come out with an elaboration on the molestation charges from when she was 7, which were never brought to trial. This was in response to Woody getting accolades from the recent Golden Globe awards. It's been a quandary regarding creative people-- do you overlook heinous behavior and celebrate the creativity? Do you ignore his body of work and judge him strictly by his non-work-related actions? Hollywood sometimes does look the other way on really bad behavior, possibly due to selfish reasons (person X might do something for me if I don't publicly condemn him) or fear (Shit, I've done some nasty stuff too, there but for the grace of God go I...) Now I think Woody should be vilified for his behavior towards Mia Farrow and for banging his stepdaughter, who was like 50 years younger than him. Because the molestation charges came out during an exceptionally bitter and nasty custody trial, and (AFAIK) Woody has no history of molesting very young children, I'm skeptical of those. It's not unknown for parents to use their children as weapons in these battles, including having them talk about molestation. Guys who do that kind of stuff usually don't suddenly start in their 60's-- they have a long history of it. Unless other victims start coming forward, I'll remain skeptical.
We had some incredibly anemic rain late yesterday-- just enough to wet the ground and make the car look nasty. Otherwise it's been very windy and on the chilly side.
The little Bewick's wren has been buzzing and hopping around the front yard. I hope it will finally use the birdhouse this year.
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