Jan 28, 2014 18:16
I went for a walk in the park (I'm still making a valiant effort to keep up some sort of exercise, as painful and boring as it is). At one point a coyote began following me on the trail. I don't know if it was looking for handouts or simply was taking the path of least resistance rather than moving through the heavy brush. Whatever the reason, it was absolutely not afraid of people. At least, until I began throwing rocks at it. It sure knew what the motion for throwing meant, and began running as soon as I pulled my arm back. Luckily for it, I throw like a girl. Reasonably accurate but no real distance. After the second volley (which would have hit it if I had a better range-- that's how close it was) it finally realized it might be prudent to get the hell off the trail and away from the crazy woman.
I just saw on Facebook that Kishma Danielle died. I didn't really know her beyond a passing acquaintance at furry cons, but she was one of the original furry fans, and performed as Omaha the Cat Dancer at the very early ConFurence cabarets. I think she'd been in poor health for a long time.
One of the nasty things that doesn't seem to get talked about is that once you reach a certain age your friends and acquaintances all start dropping like flies. I've already reached the age where most of my older relatives are gone, along with most of the adults I knew growing up. The parents of my friends are going. And now my contemporaries are starting to go-- mostly through cancer or heart attacks, although one (Darkwolfie) died a couple years ago after contracting H1N1. Old age is not for sissies indeed.
furry fandom