Continuing On

Dec 01, 2013 09:38

To put it poetically, this cold sucks monkey balls.  Still have the cough, and it indeed has migrated to my sinuses.  While not incapacitating, it has left me pretty run-down and just 'blah."

Yesterday I was able to hitch a ride with Furtech down to LosCon, so at least I was able to have the traditional lunch with Fred Patten, his sister and VulpesRex, who was kind enough to get me a day pass to the con.

The dealer's room had a number of book sellers, both new and used, but I've gotten to the point where I do virtually all my fiction reading on Kindle.  Local SoCal fans should remember the booth that sells furs, fox tails, animal skulls and such.  I did not see the guy who runs it, but the woman at the booth said he was there.  He's battling terminal cancer and apparently has less than a year.  I've always been conflicted about that booth.  While I like touching the furs and looking at the skulls and such, I can't reconcile it with the fact a beautiful animal had to suffer and die to provide something we don't really need. In any event, I still don't wish ill on the guy, who always seemed nice enough.  There is always a Scientology booth there too, selling ElRon's books and (I assume) doing the free personality tests.  I've always wondered what type of business they do.

The con is not nearly as big as it used to be, I saw only a few people there I knew.  I did have a long talk with Zrath, and later on went to the sports bar at the hotel for a very early dinner.  That proved to be somewhat of a mistake, because the music in the bar was so loud you had to shout to be heard over it, which made conversation really difficult.

In any event, it was a decent and much-needed outing.

health, cons

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