
Aug 01, 2012 09:57

One of the neighbor's yap dogs is doing the "I'm bored" bark.  Over and over and over.

As I mentioned in my previous post, the power was off between about 7:30 to until after 10 last evening.  For a fairly large swath of the neighborhood-- not just my street.  The blackout extended up to McBean.  I broke out what candles and flashlights we had.  I did get a lot of reading done, at least.  The computer has some kind of batter backup that beeped annoyingly for the entire 3 hours.  Because the power to the monitor was out too, I couldn't do anything with the computer except do an emergency shut-off.

Naturally that fucked up my evening work plans.

I've been watching some of the olympics.  As I mentioned in an earlier Facebook post, the uniforms for beach volleyball have changed from tiny bikinis to full bodysuits for the women.  Somewhere out there there are a million dissipointed men, and probably some women.  I was also watching the "syncronized platform diving" for the men, and those little speedos they wear leaves nothing to the imagination.

I also saw that author Gore Vidal died.  I only read one of his books, many moons ago, but I do vividly remember an interview with him I heard once upon a time.  I was struck by how intelligent and articulate he was.  The interview was probably on NPR, but I couldn't say for sure.  The person interviewing him asked why the right wing had , reletively suddenly, decided to use homosexuals for their new boogeyman.  Gore replied it was due to the Soviet Union doing the worse possible thing they could do from the conservative's viewpoint, and that was going belly-up and no longer being a threat.  Without the commie menace to rally the troops, the "gay agenda" had to be built up to fill the role the commies used to.  And I'm sure they'll look fabulous doing so!

Which brings me to the Chick-Fil-A boycott and controversy.  Which does not effect me at all because I never ate there to begin with, and I don't even know if we have one in the area.

Sunday Fred Patten came up to visit with his sister, and a little later Tracy K. and Mike came as well.  It was a bit of a challenge trying to get Fred's wheelchair into the house, but with Dwight helping it was do-able.  Gandalf was very cautious, but he didn't run away and eventually came to investiagte.  I had to drag Fluffy and Sugar out to visit, and Jaspurr spent the whole afternoon hiding under the bed.

We mostly looked at loot I'd picked up at ComiCon and AnthroCon.  Looking at the photo of Rob Leifeld (a superhero comic artist) in the ComiCon program book, we tried to figure out if he'd had either Botox or a face lift, because his face just looked too artificial.  That in itself is bizarre, because comicbook artists are NOT known to be a particularly vain group of people.

Also pre-ordered the new Muse album, of course.

Other than that, forever working on commissions.

current events, day-to-day life

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