Mar 28, 2007 01:34

Oh.. I just had to post this... sooooooooooo cute!! It's like the two cutest things TOGETHER. ♥

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noctiferi March 30 2007, 05:24:35 UTC
*joins you in awwww-ing* that´s sooo cute!! I hadn´t watched it when it was on TV; I didn´t know they were there and the day after a friend called me and was like 'have you watched bill yesterday?' *aaargh* but... the smile... <3 and I think he looks so much better when he wears his hair like this and not like a huge explosion or whatever *g*


marteeena March 30 2007, 12:00:15 UTC
I know I agree!! But then again I think he never looks bad xD Lol hahaha it's so funny talking about TH with you :D because it brings back memories of that NGT gig we were at... and all those German girls were like WHAAAAT you like TH?? And then they started singing Durch den Monsun hahahaha xDD

I still can't believe I liked them since... 2005 -_- so surreal!!


noctiferi March 30 2007, 17:19:25 UTC
that really IS surreal, you must´ve been one of the first to discover their qualities ;)
omg, did they sing durch den monsun already back then?? we´ve been having a forum meeting some weeks ago, and guess what happened... durch den monsun singing sessions *gg*


marteeena March 30 2007, 12:01:51 UTC
Btw did you listen to that soundclip I posted (my last lj entry).. haha it's so funny... xD esp. when he goes "Haaach" xDDDD


noctiferi March 30 2007, 17:18:22 UTC
naaah, I couldn´t, it didn´t load! :S I have to try again though, I wanna listen to it!!


marteeena March 30 2007, 17:47:42 UTC
Oh mine didn't work either at first. You have to change your Windows Media Player settings so that they play the file... forgot the extension but yeah just change add that extension to the list of things WMP can play.

xDDDD It's worth it!!! :P


noctiferi March 30 2007, 23:22:54 UTC
jaaaaa, now it worked *g* not with the media player, though, but with the media-thingie of the internet explorer, in that line above the adress field (gah, hard to explain ;))
but you were right, it´s worth it! soooo cute at first and then: "scheisse!" *gg* is it downloadable? I tried "save as" or however it´s called in English, but that wouldn´t work :( wanna keep it ;)


marteeena March 31 2007, 00:26:11 UTC
I know it's so so cute!! Haha is it true that he says "You better play the song better next time!!"??? Haha he's such a diva! Poor Tom, although he tries to be so gangsta, Bill's really the one in charge xDDD

I don't think it's downloadable... :-/ BUT it's gonna be on the Spring Nicht single.. the FULL thing :DDD I can't wait!! :D

Btw I added you on MSN.. :)


noctiferi March 31 2007, 10:19:46 UTC
oki, thanks! :)

omg... *pictures herself in cd shop, embarrassed to buy TH* but I just HAVE to have that, it´s so funny! *g* so it´s some sort of making of, I guess?

yeah, that´s about what he says *g* and right afterwards he forgets to sing a verse, so actually he´s the one messing up things completely XD


noctiferi March 31 2007, 10:52:56 UTC
just listened again... he forgot a line, not a verse. anyway, messing up things *g* ;)


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