Cousin Elle came by to the house this morning waving an envelope and was excited to announce that she has just got her card from Jailbait. Am so happy for her. But she was very much into gloating a bit about it as well. Nevertheless, we can’t believe she got her reply already. I was wondering where’s mine gone to? We’re just next-door neighbors, where’s mine? I sent both our letters together. Where’s mine? I ran immediately downstairs to ask Owa if there’s been any mail for me. Mine hasn’t arrived yet. Then again, I remembered making Plan A and Plan B scenario before sending them in: I had Cousin Elle sent her Christmas card to the studios in Leavesden while I put in my letter addressed to London. Anyway, the feeling is so “teeny-boppery”, as I recall
amyslayer say. Wow, my cousin’s first fan mail and a quick response… Amazement.
On a somewhat topic-related story, I’ve found my NekkidGaryOldman na! ((Imitates Numfar’s Dance of Joy)) I finally got to see
The Scarlet Letter . Woo-hoo! …Lalalalalalala… He wasn’t only nekkid. He was wet, too. From the pond where he was swimming in, of course! Now, while it is a classic piece of meat, err, I mean literature, it was just fun to watch. The ways of the Puritan were odd, indeed. Nako, where do start to argue? On the other hand, it was also funny to note that of course once NekkidGaryOldman was on, I was all **squee!** inside(my sister was sleeping already when I watched it) but the thing that I found crazy was that after he got nekkid, the rest of the cast, one by one were following in line(Hester Prynne, the slave girl who lives with Hester, Chillingworth…). It was scary. I thought to myself, waitaminute. I didn’t ask for the other members of the cast to get nekkid! I only ordered The Gary Oldman! So, anyway, NekkidGaryOldman was had…