Mar 11, 2005 15:38
What is this world coming to?
Anyhoo I have just completed my first week of Spanish Lessons. I did more shopping and sightseeing than anything else but I really think I learned something. I learned that I really don't want to be here for Semana Santa, when everybody in Centro America converges on Antigua and guess what? They are all holding incense... FEH! Though I hear rumour of a crucifiction reanactment happening in the park on Good Friday. That might be worth a gander... kinda like going to see 'The Jim Rose Circus' only with religion. Weird!
I am switching Spanish Schools on Sunday. Partly because I wanna share the same house with my friend Lara (I hear the cook there is excellent), partly because the only other student at the school is leaving tommorow and I don't wann be the only Gringa in the (muy religioso) house, and partly because last night me and the aformentioned student had this huge make-out session in the hallway and now I feel kinda like Hester Pryne.
Tonight I'm gonna go see 'Blow' at the free theater-slash-bar by my house. I have never seem it before but I am very much looking forward to some Johnny Depp eye candy.