Winter Event 2008

Dec 14, 2008 20:48

I'm not such a Christmas* kind of person. Neither am I Martha Stewart - most years I either put up some Christmas stuff or not, depending on if I'm in the mood. But recently, the One I Love Above All Others said to me, "I'd really like to have a tree and do Christmas this year..."

So we have a tree, it's up, it's mostly decorated, and the cats and dogs (so far) aren't a) scared of it b) knocking it over and/or c) eating/playing with the ornaments.

There are a few things that made this fun and awesome. We had recorded the Colbert Christmas Special, which was perfect to have on in the background whilst setting up the tree and decorating. The puppies really seemed to be enjoying it - the discovery process of sniffing everything and deciding if it was worthy was adorable.

Also, Cthulhu is the right color for Christmas.

*I like Christmas okay, when it's helping people or going to an evening or midnight service and stuff like that. But I don't like a month of red and green and consumerism and things and stuff and getting people things even if they don't want or need them or when you don't even know or like the person just because you need to give so-and-so a gift and forced social events and the fact that it's a hard time of the year for so very many people but everyone seems to be thought of as deficient if they're not "in the spirit" or don't want to celebrate it.

P.S. Why can I not find any downloadable/listenable copy of Throw the Yule Log On, Uncle John on the entire internets? Other than YouTube, that is.

doing christmas, decorating tree, christmas, icon intrepia made, santa cthulhu, colbert, christmas tree, christmas ornaments, fun with tags, misanthropic viewpoint, weak google-fu, winter 2008, old madrigals i used to sing in college, throw the yule log on uncle john, cynicsm, cthulhu

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