Partial list of why I'm really not with it

Nov 12, 2008 00:18

I'm very un-hip. Sometimes I feel a little left out, but most of the time I really don't care, because there's only so much time in life to investigate things you may or may not be interested in.

List of things that people I know talk about and I have no interest in and don't really even know what they are past the name and topic heading:

- Twilight
- Fall Out Boy
- Supernatural
- LUSH (I've been to the LUSH site once to order a gift but don't understand the draw)
- Harry Potter
- dieting
- 24 (the TV show)

Edit: to be continued as I think of more

Question: What do you feel this way about? What do people talk about, you know they're out there, people you like like these things, but you just really don't feel you want to go investigate at all?

hip, square, hip to be square, nablopomo

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