Jun 26, 2007 23:17
Grandma: You still got that nasty cough he? Your voice sounds like shit!
Marta: Thanks gramms...that's so nice of you to say.
Grandma: You need to drink onion juice with some honey.
Marta: That's gross and no thanks.
Grandma: You are too stubborn, that's why you still got that cough, let me rub some camphor oil on your back.
Marta: No! That stuff smells gross I don't want to.
Grandma: So what it smells gross, who do you have to smell pretty for?
Marta: How about the people on the train gramms? I don't want ppl to move away from me cause I'm stinky.
Grandma: So you want them to move away from you cause you're coughing on them? Let me at least rub Amol on you.
(for those of you who don't know it's this yucky alcohol/herbal extract that also smells like shit)
Marta: Nooooooooooooo...I'm gonna be ok. Really.
Grandma: Ok fine, let me make you chicken soup then.
Marta: I just ate a bowl of soup, two sandwiches and a plate of pierogis...I'm stuffed.
Grandma: You are not fat enough, that's why you get sick all the time, you need to get fatter. Eat bacon.
Marta: I do.
Grandma: You don't look like you do.
Marta: But I do.
Grandma: But you don't look it, ok? Stop arguing and eat.
Marta: Grrrr. Fine. Fine gramms you wanna have it your way ok? Fine. Rub everything on me, make me soup and onion juice and whatever else you want. I'm all yours!
Grandma: Yay! Ok. And will you stop smoking too?
Marta: How the heck do you know I still smoke?
Grandma: I went through your bag. DUH!
Gramms never fails to amaze me.