Oct 11, 2012 22:46
It was clear and bright this morning. Sometime after noon it started - some sprinkles here and there, pelting windows, etc.
Then here and there we got some serious precip. Mild wind, but big cold drops of water, lots of them. It got pretty cool out there, too. There might have been some hail. But they're saying by the start of next week we'll potentially be back up to the 90s.
It's 50 outside right now. The rain stopped shortly before 5pm.
I went to buy a half cord of wood the other day. The wood guy was closed, but they took my number. I called a number from a sign on the highway... it was disconnected. The other wood place has wood for about $300 a cord, but I'd have to pick it up and do all the work (not a problem but it's 4 trips, 25 miles each way, for a cord). About the time I was considering calling the last guy, the first one called - old fruit tree hardwoods, cut to 18" logs, $270 a cord delivered. It'll be a bit more than filling all of my log crib space, it looks like high quality old orchard wood - perhaps prunus species (almond, nectarine, peach, etc). It was fairly old wood, many logs up to a foot in diameter. About 2/3 of that is put away.
I lost 3 UPS boxes in the last blackout. I replaced two of them, and bought two batteries and fixed two of the ones that died. The third one has a terminal condition.
And now its late... so... g'night!