Christmas early mayhem

Dec 18, 2010 15:35

Okay first I have now finished work for Christmas and it was the buisiest week ever 150% of my energy was in it full of Christmas fun at the school I am at. cooking glitter and the christmas carol singing and Christmas play + one school did a wiered Adult grumble musical)were a major parts of the week!

I went home where we went to cut our Christmas tree from the garden only really it was the top of a medium Christmas tree (still v. big) and me and my sister helped my dad get it down. The problem was that it was extrodinarily heavy, and it got stuck once fallen into neighbouring trees and it was a lot bigger than what it looked like at the top it just looked like the tip of the tree but it must be a 12' one.

My dad was being dad like and we all went in the car after a snow fall last night giving us 3" and we totally skidded into a lukily plastic road bollard. I had no chance so I abandoned my car and got a lift to my place as we have a mini Birthday Xmas celebration for my house mate. My new bf was gonna come but he doesn't drive and the country transport crashes down with any snow so cancellation and delays have stopped him.

Due to go for works Xmas curry dunno 2nd big freeze is set to last till at least Tuesday bye bye christmas shopping time - just main family left so they wont mind and can get Jan sale stuff later for them.

but on another good note I got a free mouse mat (which I need) :D

work, snow, christmas

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