(no subject)

Jan 13, 2007 11:25

Well, I flew on an airplane yesterday. Got up at 3:45 AM, picked up by Dave's limo shortly thereafter and was through security by 5:30.  They make you take your shoes off now and run them through the x-ray machine. Your coat too. Then there are all of these half-dressed people coming through the metal detector. Pretty funny! Flight didn't board until 7;05, so we had a bit of a wait in the airport. For those who don't know I am pretty damned scared of flying. Got some nice drugs from my Dr. though - anti-anxiety and they were really terrific. I didn't feel drugged up or anything, but they definate;y took the worst of the butterflies out of my stomach. It is so amazing that with only a little over 2 hours flying time one can go from Philadelphia all the way to almost the tip of Fl. The plane ride was very smooth luckily and I was even able to look out the window and enjoy the landing a bit. I though it was pretty cool that I could see the shadow of the plane on the ground while we were still pretty far up.

When we got to our hotel I was pretty surprised to find free wireless access. Being fairly new to the world of laptop ownership I am still in awe that I can sit outside an be on the internet in a state far from home.

What they say is true, there really are a lot of od people in Fl., but they seem much happier than most of the old folks at home. Guess I would be too if I lived here.  The weather is as I have heard, too. If you don't like it, wait 10 min. Yesterday we experienced bright sunshine and pouring rain at the same time. In the vening it seemed to pur for about 5 minutes about once an then clean up.

Mom and I are leaving from here on an 8 day cruise in a few hours, so bye, bye interenet!
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