tell me what it's like to be with you

May 12, 2008 17:47

It's so nice to be home by myself.
To have nothing on. On or around my person.
The 'mates enjoy having background music...the TV. Since I moved to the city my interest in TV has collapsed and needs resuscitation.
But fuck it.
I was spoiled in Houston because I had so much alone time. Which was incredibly unnerving at times and I would have loved to have people around. Still trying to find that balance. Still learning.
My apartment is wonderful. It feels like a studio. All we need to do is put mirrors up.

Having to make some interesting choices regarding work.
It's going to work out.

I just realized what time it is..
I thought I had longer to enjoy this solitude.
But alas, I have to get to this meeting.

home, new york, life, work, time

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