Apr 29, 2008 01:27
Still waiting on a word from the 'producer'
we're supposed to find out sometime this week or next week.
I'm somewhat fed up with my current surroundings. Not the location per se, but the general company that I am keeping. One person namely. Unfortunately, it looks as though he and I are going to be performing together in close quarters for some time. woo.
Financially, I'm a bit frustrated. Because I've been putting more in than anyone else has. Mainly because it had to get done and there was no one else that was able to do it. So regardless I would have done it for myself but I also helped out those that I care about. But I'm done with it. This past month has made me really angry. I've been working more jobs than I can handle to pull MY shit together and I did. I can't say that for the rest of everyone else. We had a month. wtf?
that's it