Just got in.
Worked another Bar-Mitzvah up north a bit.
I love the people I work with, they are absolutely hysterical and make my life shiner. Going to have some brunch tomorrow with some of them. Well, it isn't technically brunch since it's going to be around 4 something but margaritas are going to be flowing. So who the fuck cares?
well the family that was celebrating the bar-mitsvah was spectacular. There was the father that spent some time at summer camp with his son, the mother that was absolutely gorgeous without any altered parts of her body, all beautiful, talented, happy. It made me a little nauseous. They were the picture perfect family. Not that I was upset or jealous at the fact that this family seemed to have no worries in their lives. No that wasn't the case at all. As they danced the Horah; as they were all lifted on chairs and waved a white hankerchief/napkin around their heads; as the father took off his shirt and did the same as with the napkins; as they all crowd surfed; as the little girls, all of whom which looked like under-age prostitutes, that came to the party danced in the cages, I couldn't help but smile and love my life a little more.
Yes, I've been looking for a regular job for months now.
Yes, we are going to move again.
Yes, that will make 5 moves in 11 months.
Yes, I'm happy.
It may be strange, but I am.
Ideally, I would like to stay in Washington Heights and NOT move all the way to Brooklyn. But, you do what you have to do. Why the hell are we looking in Brooklyn? Oh that's right, no one is getting back to us. That will all change as of Monday. With the passing of Easter, comes new life... change.
In my perfect world.
I would have a best friend that I shared my interests and educated me on his own and visaversa. Laugh, Explore, Cuddle, Watch movies, See shows, Rock climb, Paint, Write, Dance, Learn, Smoke, and Have sex with. But exclusive sex. Best friends with benefits. that would be my perfect relationship. I feel that with the label 'relationship' so many things change that don't need too. I feel that you have to be friends before you can be anything else. That's why I haven't has a boyfriend since 2005. That, and I've been on the road and you don't date people in your cast. Too much potential for disaster. I always try to wait out the 'honeymoon' phase as I call it. That fresh, exciting time when two people are getting to know about each other. I try to wait that out until you both are comfortable with each other...if you can get that far and keep the intensity and connection then let us proceed. I'm not afraid of relationships, I'm afraid of the bullshit that people bring into them. I don't think that they should be something that you should HAVE to work at. The relationship I have with my mother, Tony, Tiffany, Megan.. JennyMac at one point in time...these relationships weren't work and I don't feel that the relationship I have with my absent boyfriend should be any different.