Where did you learn it's either him or you?

Jan 19, 2006 15:38

New LJ icon. :)

Evolutionary neil...

I'm constantly undergoing an analysis of who I am and what I believe and what I will or will not stand for in my life. Because of this certain people and things aren't as constant or as highly valued as they once used to be. I am no longer going to surround myself with people who don't appreciate me for who I am, or those who refuse to view life in a manner that doesn't put them directly in the middle of it.
I have learned through recent events in life that it's better to surround yourself with a smaller group of friends that you are completely comfortable with and accept. As opposed to a large group of people who are inconsistent and make you feel bad.
I'm not going to live my life for anyone but myself. If I don't want to do something, I'm not going to do it. I'm not going to put up with other people's bullshit and shortly thereafter they will be approached about such issues. Because of who I am those whom I choose to surround myself with wont hear 'Neil, Neil, Neil' because that's not who I am. My loved ones are very important to me and since I'm not a selfish person I will show them much more concentrated love and afffection. This works out much better because I wont be wasting my time and emotions on those who wont return the same back to me. That's ultimately what I want from friends. People who will give as much as they take. Instead of the taking, taking, taking that I have chosen to surround myself with recently.
I've decided that I can't live for anyone anymore. I can't distract myself with other people's problems that wouldn't do the same for me. And in which case, if they would do the same for me it wouldn't be a project or require any effort. It would be balanced. :)
That's all I really want in life right now is balance. Consistency. Wasted energy. I want to put my energy for life and love to those who will appreciate it and take it in.

I've started to read into chakras. They are interesting. I'm not reading into them with the intention of persuing a religion, but more so the fact that they already correspond with what I believe and it just fits. I'm studying them slowly and one at a time so that I can attempt to understand them and what they signify and how they function. The elements that drive them and set them off. I don't want to rush into the whole thing without knowing what I'm getting into. Leaving myself zero time to conprehend all the information presented. I did that a long time ago with Wicca and it ended up being bizzare, leaving me in the dark with a little understanding of everything. So, needless to say, I'm taking my time with this.

Blast is recently wearing me out. Too many shows, not enough shows off. It's no one's fault. it's just the way things are working out and there aren't any solutions for my situation. I'd rather post it here and no flip out at work. My body is just tired. I'm not old or anything, but my body is constantly aching and sore. I just don't want to bitch about it at work when it doesn't matter either way right now.

I love you.

lessons, life, tour

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