Wayne State is the DEVIL!!!!!!!!

Feb 14, 2007 06:25

Er, Happy Valentine's Day I guess. This holiday really means nothing to me but the day after my birthday.

My mom wakes me up this morning to tell me that schools are closed. Really? No, not really. Just my brother and sister's school. Not Wayne State. But she says other colleges are closed! Thank you, because that affects me a lot... She tells me I shouldn't go to school, keep checking on the radio. Yeah right. This is all solved easily when I visit the website and see this message (from Satan himself):

Wayne State University will be open today.

The University will be open today, February 14, 2007. All classes will be held as scheduled.

Bastards! I thought, okay, I will still go since participation is a huge part of my classes today and I have a quiz in Japanese. Until I look outside. Shit. Now I am thinking that I can afford to miss one day and that Sensei does drop one quiz anyway.... But I don't know! I would really have rather missed tomorrow! I don't know if I can bring myself to stay home! But I don't know if I could actually make it alive either. Of course my mom had to wake me up an hour early before she went to work so now I am tired as hell but I'm still deliberating. Maybe when (if) the sun comes out and I can see better I will try. Fuck.


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