
Aug 01, 2007 20:09

Grrr, grumblings

My brother has been living at my aunt and uncle's (about 20 miles away or so) for about a year. My dad "disowned" him two years ago over a really petty argument and after another year of pretty much hiding in his room all the time, my brother went to Zio Marco's house. Things were fine and dandy at first but after a while they got tired of his lazy ass just playing video games all day. It doesn't help that Marco is an unemployed, slightly alcoholic neat-freak who is a little unstable, I think (from what I've seen of him this past year. Or maybe Giuseppe made him that way). They've been getting into fights now and then about how Giuseppe has to get a job and now he has a job but they've still had two really big fights since then. One was Saturday when Giuseppe scared one of our cousin, Ben's friends. My aunt wanted to kick him out but Giuseppe was saying he had something like "squatter's rights" that his friends on his online games had told him (dumbest thing I've ever heard of, please don't let it be true.)

Then supposedly they made up and were fine but last night another really big one. Apparently my aunt and uncle went for a walk because they didn't want to discuss in front of the kids and Vicki (aunt) was telling Marco that she was upset that Giuseppe doesn't show them any appreciation or respect for everything they've done for him. That caused Marco to go home in a rage apparently, and destroyed one of Giuseppe's laptops. He might have hit him too, not sure. Then they called here and Vicki was screaming because she was afraid Marco was going to hurt Giuseppe and all this shit. So after being unable to recontact them, everyone decided that I was to go and pick him up, then bring him to our other aunt's house because my mom "had to study" and that aunt "had stuff to do at home" even though she lives much closer than us! Even though I was already getting in bed because it was almost eleven o'clock and I had to work at 5 this morning. Of course, I get no say in it. Also Maria just haaaad to come, because she's nosy. And she also haaaad to annoy me the whole way in the car. So we go there and there is actually a police car out front because my uncle is close with that cop. One of my uncle's friends was there too and he got to go listen in on the conversation even though we didn't. Then they finish talking and my uncle is being really nice and my brother seemed fine and they all said everything was fine and he was going to stay there to be closer to his job. WTF. I had come all the way there for nothing. Needless to say I was pissed! I guess I was too abrupt in saying goodbye because my sister again was annoying me all the way home about how I was embarrassing. I don't fucking care! It was a waste of my gas and time! It took two fucking hours to go there and wait and come back. Bitches. Of course, I also slept through my alarm this morning and got up at five, the time I was already supposed to be at work!!

I said this was the last time I was getting involved in any of this crap anymore. Everyone was saying that my mom needs to get involved in her own son's life but all she does is study all the fucking time. I don't know who she is kidding. She can't even handle ONE FREAKING CLASS. How is she going to survive medical school? Thank God tomorrow is her last day for a month when the fall semester starts. She is apparently going to help Giuseppe look for an apartment. Dammit, my family are just morons!!


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