May 07, 2007 15:30
Grumpy but things could be worse.
I got a parking ticket this morning. I got a parking ticket this morning because i overslept and didn't move my car in time. I overslept because i was up till 3 doing work for this week and not being able to sleep because i feel like i have a tone of crapola to do.
My roomate is driving me nuts. She has an attitude sometimes that is just INFURIATING. almost like my father. ahem:
"Man, it's hot! " (me)
"this is why you don't wanna live in Rieber during the summer!"
" *in audible grunt...pause...* why?"
"because there is no air conditioning in Rieber."
she turns her head and gives me a look with utmost annoyance, as if i'm the stupidest person in the vicinity of los angeles and i feel like she is about to say something really witty to make me ACTULALY Feel stupid..
"There isn't any air conditioning in any of the OTHER halls either. ugh."
.........why did that comment warrant animosity? why?
"uh yeah...ok so, excuse me, i'm sorry, i'll correct that, dykstra, sproul, rieber, and saxon don't have air conditioning. i'm sorry that i excluded them. forgive me."
she doesn't make sense to me. i don't understand her. then i proceded to spill coke all over her wall, "by accident."
don't worry. i cleaned it up..i'm not THAT petty.
...well i cleaned up MOST of it anyway....
and i got my midterm paper back from my english class, the teacher i love and respect alot. I pretty much failed it. he asked me to Re D0 it.that is the first time i've ever been asked to re do a paper in my life.i've never receieved anything lower than a B- on a paper....he asked me to "re do" it, meaning he doesn't want to give me the F i deserve..and i was like "WHAT THE HELL" i tried so hard bla blah..i re read it...just now. it's probably the worst work i've ever done. which makes sense, seing as i was finishing it at like 3 in the morning the night before, but outlining it the rest of the week, i swear. It sounds like a mentally retarded teradactyle wrote it. Funny image right?
i'm so humiliated.
Look UCLA, I can't produce brilliance for you now in the form of analytic essay ok? I can be mediocre, but not brilliant. I have other things to DO> on my career and PASS.
wow. i don't usually rant.
man it feels like i'm living on the SUN Right's hot.
"sit back..relax."
i hate feeling stupid. i HATE feeling like i'm not intelligent when i know, i know i can do better. i know i can do much much better....even though i try SO hard to please what i think is myself when it really is other people.
i know i am good enough. why can't i feel it right now?