i like having a waste basket. i like having a trash can. whatever you want to call it. i like to be able to dispose of my once belongings(sp? im drunk!) and see them get buried behind. ok? i hate when people - and there are certain ones- who don't have a waste basket in their bathrooms(!) or bedrooms. whatever.
getting rid of stuff is the easiest, and the more you do it, the more practice you're getting in real life.
no, really. I have no clue as to what I'm rambling about...i know i wanted to write on LJ earlier about a waste basket and it figures that's how i'd start off when drunk and partially remembering, but its really not the most important thing in life, it does play a role however. ;p
some of the most important things in life i think are making decisions, separating dreams from reality, distingushing i guess, truth from false and being able to place real judgements, not based on previous or known tactics. uhh....
...being drunk is awesome. you can ramble. and ramble and then post some pictures.
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there bitch!