(no subject)

Jan 14, 2023 18:30

HELLO EVERYONE. . . Without even looking it up I know in my heart that the last time I had to rant on livejournal was for the same reason. . . my tenant! If anyone could destroy my marriage it would be her. Not because of any interaction with her and my husband but because he is too "delicate" with her. Less than he is with me. And when I rant about her (and there is so much to rant about) he gets so upset I have to leave the room so he can cool off w/o looking or interacting with me. There are so many infractions I can't even recount them. This month the rent was incomplete and three days late. Then she drops $35 on table with a receipt from Ulta showing me she had to buy a new flatiron because my outlets burned it out. NOT THE WAY IT WORKS! We had to pay an electrician last month when this all happened, and she's the one who keeps tripping the circuit breakers. And, all those outlets are complete with GFI's. She burned out a socket with her air fryer. . . using the flatiron at the same time and said it was our fault. @#$%^&*()FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, FUCK! Where she gets her ideas from I just don't know. Keeps saying the toilet is wobbly but every time she washes the floor, she knocks out the wedge from under it. One would think she used to live at the "Taj Mahal" or owned an exclusive home. Even those get wear and tear. After four days of her dishes etc. being in my sink, she finally came out and washed half, but left them on my counter to "dry" and her plastics are still in the sink. Some of the plastics that she asked me if she could have, she put in 'MY GARBAGE, IN MY KITCHEN" because she didn't want to wash them. I could go on and on but I know that noone would want to read it. So here I am, locked away in my bedroom (sick even) so my husband can come down from his encounter with the ceiling. $%^&*()
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