Feb 11, 2009 22:44
"You often have problem in promoting yourself, just because you don't know how to express your true self. On the other hand, you don't really care what they think. This is why people misunderstand you until they really get a chance to learn about your pleasant personality. Opposite sex find you mysterious and worth searching. Your wit is remarkable but sometimes you are too fast to follow. Your Love, You won't reveal your feeling even after dreaming about the same guy over and over. Your first love lasts forever. You are responsible to the feeling of your lover. The chance to betray your lover is none. You have luck with children."
--Facebook birthday stuff.
Umm.. okay. True, I guess, but it's kinda like a psychological thing. I just think it's true because some are true, which makes some false, which my logic false, which makes me wrong, but I think I'm right anyway... which is just to say... this is purely psychological. Okayyy.. what the?