Title: Let Slip the Dogs of War
waffleguppies and
marshwiggledyke Fandom: Hot Fuzz
Rating: R for war and language, 1940's attitudes, mild PTSD
Characters/Pairings: Eventual Nicholas/Danny, epic bromancey Andes, Turner Twins, Tony, Doris, Auntie Jackie.
Author's Notes: Finally, I start contributing to this story! With another writer in tow, the tone changes to a
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Nicholas is ALL about rescuing people. It's his thing. And yes, he was the runner of information to Jesteberg. Because it's Sergeant Nicholas Angel.
Hey, Nicholas in the film misinterprets Danny's identity (He's a drunk! He's dressing like a police officer! Oh. Wait.) at first. :D I didn't even think of that until you brought up how this pub scene mirrored the pub scene in the film.
Connections made during war (and this war in particular) are often brief and intense. I'm so glad you pointed this out, because Nicholas may only have been doing his duty in saving them from the minefield, but he could just have easily not. Two weeks of forced contact and a few murders is what makes them click in the film; these two only had 24 hours, and after only a brief period of Nicholas underestimating Danny and the deep love that holds the leaderless 2nd Battalion Glosters together, they totally get each other.
Awww baby hippo. I think I automatic-wrote that line and it was so odd that I felt like it defined detached unreality perfectly. (I was probably very sleepless at the time.)
One of my favorite moments in this fic is Nicholas arguing for a higher rent. Because it's so him.
The rent! It is very important! Nicholas-puppy can pull his weight! He are very serious puppy.
If Danny were to try to give him a belly rub, it would be hilarious and startling. :O
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