I woke up this morning to the sound of Gershwin, and new immediately AN AMERICAN IN PARIS. Mamma and I watched the best parts together. Gene Kelly you are so cute!!
What can be better than re-enacting a Toulouse-Lautrec painting in dance form?????????
I saw Twilight last night, and it was rediculous and I had a good time making fun of with Andy. What a trooper.
My parents saw THE READER, I was so happy for them. Kate Winslet is Phenomenal!!! (Shes also amazing with Leo in the very disturbing Revolutionary Road.) I think that and THE FALL were the best movies I saw this year. Although THE FALL technically came out in 2006. TOP NOTCH, kids. Top notch, for sure.
Thinking of The Reader, Ralph Fiennes was so good. It reminded me of the forever heartbreaking ENGLISH PATIENT.