Sep 14, 2007 08:07
GEEEEEZZZEEEE homework, when do you lighten up?
The past two weeks have been a real eye-opener to how hard school can really be. For the first time in my educational "journey", I really don't see the end. I have gone to bed every night in what i wore that day, too tired for pj's. lead and ink stains still on my hands and under my fingernails that "i'll wash later." My whole body woke up screaming at me this morning, "FOOD! ASPIRIN! CAFFIENE! " but really, its sleep i need, and i know it. As for all the work though, it is so nice to feel challenged. For once i don't feel like my classes are a joke, it's serious, this is what I want, and i'm going to have to work for it. As for tripping, head-first, over your T-Square, off the side of a curb, scraping your hands and knees, spilling your Artbin and projects everywhere... that...that I could have done without.
Doctor's appointment yesterday: "Do you feel like you need to go on Anti-Depressants, because you're too skinny" How does that make sense? If i'm happy, I won't have as much homework and will have more time to eat and relax? Then, sure, sign me up. I'm frustrated. My mom cancelled her trip to Hawaii that she has been planning for well over a year, because she thinks it "unwise" to leave me alone for two weeks. I lived away from home for two years, healthy and happy, moved back and lost 25lbs and any social skills. Hmmmm.
Better News: I've been bid on, and I have accepted. Delta Phi Epsilon :)