Mar 15, 2005 19:02
Today was very boring. There was absolutly nothing to do while everyone watched the play. I had to sit in the office for two hours..and some more minutes. And it was the most boring thing in the world. Except when I fell off the chair. That was pretty funny haha. It was an accident but it was fun! lol. haha I'm so messed. Well anywho after I got out of school I went home and start to watch the notebook. Then I decided to get up off my lazy ass and go for a walk/jog and then came back home. I made a grilled cheeze for dinner and now I'm full and sitting here waiting for something else to happen. I tryed going to a e-card website that i thought was called and I guess not because I tryed it ike a million different times and ways and they wouldnt work. But o well. I'm out because theres nothing to do and It's already 7:00pm and I still have homework and I wanna take a shower and go to bed early tonight. Well talk to everyone later. Toodles. ~Shannon