May 18, 2010 19:28

Title: Falling Too Fast To Save
Pairing: Quinn/Rachel 
Fandom: Glee/DC Universe
Author: Amie
Twitter: HERE
Spoilers: Um, none I don't think. But lets just say all aired episodes for fair game.
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Glee, they belong in Ryan Murphy's toy box, nor do I own Supergirl/Kara Zor-El, or anything related to DC comics.
Word Count: 1,580
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Quinn Fabray was sent to Earth as a teenager to escape the destruction of her home planet, Krypton. AKA Quinn is Supergirl. 
Author's Note: I don't know why I did this, I'm supposed to be dedicating all of my time to  "House Made of Paper" but this would just not leave my head. It's not my best writing, because I just wanted it out, and it's supposed to be more quick and light to read. Anyhow, I hope you enjoy it.
Also, the title is from the song "Superman (Save you)" by The Friday Night Boys. I manipulated it a little from the original lyrics, but yeah.

Author's Note II: Glad you guys are still enjoying this. We can start moving forward now that I have taken care of the backstory :) Also, if you haven't already, check out this amazing Supergirl!Quinn and Rachel fanart drawn by mrtoulouse.

Falling Too Fast To Save - Part Four
...You can't get over this.

Rachel had to take the bus from the hospital back to her house; luckily she had found a crumpled $10 bill in the pocket of her jacket. For the entirety of the journey her fist never uncurled to release the bullet in her grasp. She feared losing it, the one affirmation that the events of the previous night had been real.

As soon as she had crossed the threshold into her house, she had almost been pushed back out by the force of her fathers’ hugs. “Honey, where were you?” The shorter man, Eli asked hurriedly.

“We were so worried when you didn’t come home last night; we looked everywhere that we could think of. Where were you, Rachel?” Her other father, Joshua gently pulled back from the almost bone crushing group hug to look at Rachel expectantly.

Rachel raised her right arm, successfully pulling both men’s focus to the white fibreglass cast encasing her wrist from her elbow to mid-palm. “I was at the hospital,” when seeing how both of her father’s mouths opened, no doubt readying to let loose an influx of questions, she quickly continued. “I’m fine though, I promise. No head trauma, just a few minor lacerations and a broken wrist.”

“But what happened to you?” Eli asked, his warm chocolate brown eyes widening with worry.

Rachel was about to answer her dad when the sound of somebody clearing their throat interrupted her. Only then had she realised that they had company.

“Oh, yes sorry,” Joshua mumbled sheepishly. “Sweetie, this police officer would like to ask you some questions if you’re feeling up to it?”

“I’m fine daddy,” Rachel whispered and approached the young man who was now standing uncomfortably in front of the couch. He looked as if had barely turned twenty, dressed in a neatly pressed navy blue suit and crisp white shirt. He took hold of his left lapel and pulled his jacket open slightly to retrieve a wallet from an inner pocket.

“Rachel, I’m Detective Nicholas Gage,” he let the wallet fall open to reveal his credentials. “I’ve been assigned to your case due to its suspicious nature.”

Rachel once again held tight to the bullet and asked as nonchalantly as possible, “suspicious?”

“Why don’t you take a seat?” He smiled warmly at her and Rachel felt some of the hesitance leave her body. She gingerly sat down on the couch, turning to give the detective her full attention. Eli sat down on the chair opposite the two whilst Joshua excused himself to retrieve refreshments from the kitchen.

“Tell me Rachel, what do you remember about last night?” Detective Gage took out a small worn notebook; he flipped to a blank page and set the tip of his pen to the paper, ready to record as much detail as possible.

Rachel glanced at her father, his warm smile encouraging her to answer. “I... nothing really, I was running from a man,” the detective nodded for her to continue. “I tripped and fell, which is when I assume my wrist was broken. I was able to crawl into an alley, that’s... all I remember, until I woke up in the hospital this morning.” Her eyebrows knitted together in confusion, “how did you know to come here?”

The young man shook his head in amusement, “well as I said, there are a few things that seem, for the lack of a better word, strange.” He closed his notebook and tucked it into the chest pocket of his white shirt, “I was working the late shift last night. At approximately Twelve A.M. there was an unbelievably frantic pounding on the station’s main doors. A colleague of mine went to investigate and discovered a man, badly beaten and unconscious on the ground.” Rachel felt her stomach muscles tighten as the detective continued, “Beside him was a gun, empty of ammunition. We found residue on his hands that proved that it had been recently fired. But the weird thing wasn’t that this man just appeared literally on our doorstep, what caught our attention was the fact that we found your driver’s license on his chest. Just balanced there, like someone had gone out of their way to make sure we found it.”

Rachel was puzzled; she didn’t understand how the ogre that had attacked her could have come to possess her license. It had been in her purse, which she had dropped by her car before running away. She didn’t remember him pausing to pick it up before he had started chasing her. She didn’t know how the man got from the alley to the police station either, but she assumed it was the same mysterious way that she had ended up at the hospital.

“Anyway,” Detective Gage continued, “the guy was severely intoxicated. But when he eventually woke up he confessed that he had followed someone whose description matched that of the photo on your licence. However, when asked how he had sustained his injuries, he swore vehemently that a flying girl had come to your rescue. He said that he shot her, but that her body deflected the bullets on impact.” He stared at Rachel, his face completely unreadable and she felt the jagged edges of the bullet cutting into her palm. Everything was silent until suddenly, Detective Gage let out a ferocious laugh, “crazy drunks, eh?”

Rachel laughed with him, though it sounded ridiculously forced to her own ears the police officer didn’t seem to pick up on it.

“We went to the street he said that he had seen you on, regrettably we were unable to find your car.”

“Oh, I dropped my purse,” she mumbled. “Sorry daddy, I panicked.”

Eli shook his head, there were unshed tears blurring his vision. “It’s okay honey, all that matters is you’re home and you’re safe.”

“Well, if you left your purse at the crime scene, your car could be halfway to anywhere by now. We were going to send officers to the hospital to check if you were there, but you know, busy night fighting crime and all that.” He scratched the back of his neck noncommittally.

Rachel thought she heard her father, who had returned from the kitchen with glasses of lemonade on a tray; mumble something about incompetence under his breath. He passed a glass of the cold beverage to his husband, then to his daughter and held one out towards the young detective.

“No thank you, Mr Berry,” he said standing up. “Your daughter is safe; we have the perpetrator in custody. I think this crime has officially been solved.” He smiled widely at them all, clearly very pleased with himself. “Unless Rachel, did you see... anyone?”

Rachel bit her tongue to prevent the honesty from naturally spilling from her lips. She remembered how the mysterious woman that had saved her went to great lengths to prevent the brunette from seeing her face. How she had lingered in the shadows, not turning to Rachel even when she had called out to her. It was clear that the woman wanted her identity to remain a secret, and Rachel would respect that. “No.”

The detective smiled in amusement, “no flying girl then?” Rachel shook her head slowly. “I didn’t think so. How preposterous, this is Ohio after all, not Metropolis.”

After he’d left, Rachel spent an hour or so convincing her fathers that she truly was okay. She enjoyed their company but she was exhausted, wanting nothing more than to escape to her room and organise her thoughts. Something that the detective had said piqued her interest, the off-handed comment about Lima not being like Metropolis. When she finally found comfort in her own bed, she made a mental note to investigate what he could have meant after school the following day.

...The next day...

After assuring her dads that she was well enough to attend school, Rachel called Finn and asked if she could ride with him. He had eagerly said yes and arrived at Rachel’s house within ten minutes. When they pulled into McKinley’s student parking lot, Rachel gasped at what she saw. She got out of Finn’s car and ran towards her own. She couldn’t comprehend it being there, perfectly parked in her allotted space. How likely was it that someone had found her abandoned purse on the street, somehow deduced that it belonged to her, and returned her car to a parking spot at the high school she attended? She felt like she was going to pass out.

Finn didn’t understand her strong reaction to seeing her own vehicle and had simply ushered her inside of the building whilst rambling about a wrestling match he had watched over the weekend. Not once since arriving at her house had he asked why she needed a ride or why her arm was in a cast.

Once they arrived at her locker, he told her he’d catch up with her later before moving towards his own. She opened the door to retrieve her books, still in a daze over her car’s sudden appearance. She felt a strong breeze blow past her, her hair whipping across her face. When she turned back to her open locker her eyebrows raised disbelievingly. Her purse, it hadn’t been there a moment ago, she was sure of it. But there it was, sitting on top of a chemistry textbook in the small space.

“What the hell is going on around here?” She asked no one in particular.

...To be continued.

fanfic, glee, quinn/rachel, comics: supergirl

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