whatever they told you, i am not who you think i am.

Sep 24, 2010 11:54

FRIIIIIIIINGE!! Of all of the premieres this fall, this is the one I've loved the most. It wasn't all forced exposition or lacklustre set-up, nor was it stunty or flashy and lacking in content. It was just a good, solid hour 44 minutes of quality show, picking up where things left off and immersing me instantly. It was as if we'd never left. So, ( Read more... )

fangirl, fringe

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zombie_boogie September 25 2010, 07:52:32 UTC
AMAZING PREMIERE IS AMAZING. Wow. I too loved that it did follow up on aspects of the cliffhanger last season, but it wasn't bogged down with trying to resolve every storyline. I know people have bitched about Joshua Jackson being sidelined every other episode or something at the beginning of S3, but I liked the the episode focused almost exclusively on Olivia Over There. It gave the episode direction.

Anna Torv rocked the house. Her subtle back-and-forth between both Olivias is amazing. There were so many great moments for her character - being badass and breaking out of the institution (NECK CHOP), her quiet sobbing in the bathroom, her collapsing into her mother's arms - man it was good stuff. I will not accept criticism of La Torv's acting ability ever again.

Henry the Cabbie! New favourite! Wasn't it fantastic that this show took what could have been a throwaway character and made him real? I hope he comes back.

I love everything about the alternative universe. I love that it isn't so very different from our world, and yet there is a clear difference in the overall atmosphere. It feels desperate and filled with tension and, like you said, harder. Plus, I love the background details like "President Kennedy' and OLD-TIMEY BICYCLES.

Oh Peter/Olivia. DON'T GO BREAKING MY HEART. Or, well, do because you're doing it brilliantly. The fact that they both were thinking of each other ... *hearts in my eyes*.


marshmallow September 27 2010, 14:20:20 UTC
AGREED! And you know I love the Joshua Jackson. I'm pretty sure my grandma even knows this. But I would rather see him be sidelined, and be golden whenever he does come out, than see the character get ruined because they're trying to shoehorn him in where he wouldn't ordinarily belong just to placate the fans. I think bouncing back and forth between the two worlds, in this episode at least, would have really diluted its impact.

AND YES! That neck chop was awesome. And like you said, going from that kickassedness to the heartbreaking scenes, and just flawlessly to boot.. I have never understood Torv's detractors, because I think she's pretty well rocked it the whole series, but like you, I hope this puts an end to it.

And not just the old-timey bicycles, but the DIRIGIBLES!! I LOVE DIRIGIBLES! And that look on her face as she's standing in that park and she looks up as its shadow falls over her..


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