But if the courses be departed from, the ends will change.

Dec 14, 2009 14:41

My 12 of 12 is late! I mean, I completed it on time and all, but the weekend was jam-packed (rhubarb-style), and so I'm posting it now. So nyah.

10:00am: Kobi eats snow for breakfast.

10:26am: I opted for tea and toast.

3:07pm: The next 4+ hours were lost in various dungeons, until I finally logged out to get ready for the theater.

5:24pm: Spoon River for dinner!

6:45pm: Going up the escalator in the Guthrie Theater to see A Christmas Carol, a yearly Christmas tradition of my family's.

6:52pm: They have all of these great recessed windows that are all shiny. The upper right quadrant is direct view, all of the rest is reflection.

6:53pm: Some carolers caroling on the floor below.

7:15pm: Gold Medal Flour building. It always reminds me of Dracula's Castle for some reason (Coppola's version). But with a lean more towards baking than blood. (Which, do you think I could find a picture of it? Hint: I could not. Stupid internet.)

7:16pm: The Stone Arch Bridge, as seen from the Guthrie's Endless Bridge. After this, we went in for the play. I wanted to try and snap a pic during the bow, because it's a thrust stage, and kind of cool. I would never dream of taking one during the production, but I wasn't sure if they count applause segment as part or not, so I just snapped this one as we were getting up. But it's kind of blurry, and not very good, so I didn't include it. Fun fact: This production's Scrooge was played by Christopher's dad from Gilmore Girls, Guthrie company regular Peter Michael Goetz.

10:16pm: Started decorating the tree with Boyfriend when we got home. Kobi helped with the lights. (Added bonus Sachi with lights.)

11:57pm: We ran out of lights. :(

1:40am: I watched some SNL before sleep, but Sachi had had enough of us all and went to bed on her own. She was none too pleased when I went upstairs and turned on the lights.

In other news, I saw Brothers on Friday, which was good, but not great. The performances were completely spectacular, but something about the pacing and the structure of the film seemed lacking. Worth seeing (particularly for fans of the Gyllenhaal), but you're probably safe waiting for Netflix. And if you need cheering up afterwards, just watch this, which is the absolute most adorable thing.

movies, photog, 12 of 12

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