Deferred Momentum

Oct 08, 2009 22:28


DUDE. Was that Thomas Kretschmann at the end? WAS THAT SERIOUSLY THOMAS FRICKING KRETSCHMANN? And beyond that, I don't even care, because that episode fucking rocked. That was the best episode in the history of a show of which I love every single episode. It was that good. It was even better than the vampire episode. And better than the episode with the reverse empath who looked like Chris Martin, and you know how much I love the episode with the reverse empath who looked like Chris Martin. I AM FREAKING OUT.

I can't even remember the last time I was this geeked out about anything on tv. It was probably the Fringe finale last year. I wish I could hug this show, because it has RESTORED MY FAITH IN TELEVISION. And also humanity, a little bit, because criminy, that was awesome. So awesomesauce that it mended the broken heart left in the wake of that alley battle.


That is all.

fangirl, fringe

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