... but unlike Ray Milland, mine was lost not to booze, but to How I Met Your Mother. I watched two and a half discs in one sitting. There is possibly something very wrong with me. But it was awesome. It was not, however, the making of an awesome 12 of 12. But a bet is a bet, so press on, I did. Pics of my lazy Saturday the 12th beyond the cut.
8:50am - Contacts are in, WoW auctions are checked, and it's time to get the dogs and have a walk. Sachi is at her post. When we got in, I started watching.
12:49pm - I emerge to take a shower and check on the dogs. Kobi is having about as productive day as I am.
12:53pm - I briefly consider taking a comic book break, but inevitably decide against it. Barney awaits.
2:13pm - Time for a spot of afternoon tea.
6:58pm - I've run out of discs, thus beginning a little segment I like to call "blurry pictures from the car window on the way to the grocery."
6:59pm - It was kind of cold so I didn't really want to keep my arm out there that long, so this is all you get.
7:02pm - Yeah, the grocery isn't really that far.
8:10pm - Back at home, cookin' onions to go on the steak (not pictured). Mmmm... onions.
9:09pm - I made a salad. It was of the yum.
9:10pm - Kobi supervises.
12:02am - Cookie if you know what movie I'm watching!
12:03am - Sachi is all sacked out. Because that's how she rolls.