Apr 06, 2005 16:11
F I R S T S:
First job? secretary at argent court
First screen name: lightthefire123
First funeral: don't remember . . . i think a neighbor's
First pet: i think we used to have cats . . . bleh
First piercing/tattoo: ears pierced a when i turned five
First love: Ryan
First kiss: Ryan
First enemy: Chris
First favorite musician: Reba McEntire or Billy Ray Cyrus or Garth Brooks (WHO IS MINE)
L A S T S:
Last car ride: Monday night - going home with Micah after dinner with my parents at Chili's
Last kiss: yesterday . . .
Last library book checked out: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA . . . I DON'T EVEN KNOW
Last movie watched: partially? What Lies Beneath or The Notebook. . . completely? maybe Ring 2
Last beverage drank: water
Last food consumed: carrots
Last time showered: hehehe . . . yesterday?
Last CD played: one of my famous untitled mixes
Last website visited: Erica's, obviously
Last person you talked to: Micah
Last time you said "I love you" and meant it: on the phone with my dad a couple of hours ago (today's his 50th birthday)
N O W:
Single or Taken: taken
Birthday: 6/25/1986
Sign: Cnacer
Siblings: one sister, one half sister, two real stepbrothers, three fake stepbrothers
Hair color: brownish
Eye color: greenish hazel-y
Height: 5' 8"
Wearing: comfy pants and a green tank top . . . an old lady told me that i was "practically naked" today :)
Listening to: Dr. Phil
Thinking about: MY IMMINENT DOOM (aka research proposal)
Wishing for: paper to be done, motivation to do more, SGA to leave me alone, to be thinner and prettier, etc.
What else are you wishing for: I think the "etc." pretty much covered that.
M O R E A B O U T M E.
What is your favorite Girl Scout cookie? Umm . . Erica, are Samoas the ones with the coconut stuff? cause, if so, then those.
Do you prefer small town life or big city life? small town outside of a big city
Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups or Pieces? cups
Where were you born? New Braunfels
Dodge ball or red light green light? *SOB* Oh, the horror . . .
Did you get spanked when you were a kid? hahaha -oh, yeah :(
Where do you hope to be in 5 years? out of school, maybe married, have a job that i love
Do you believe in love? *insert turkey gobble* yes, yes i do.
Do you believe in witchcraft? nope
Do you sleep with a teddy or a blankie? when i have no other choice
Do you believe long distance relationships would work? clearly
What's more important: money, friendship, power or love? stupid. love.
Would you sleep with someone on the first date? all the time.
Do you believe trust is earned, or do you think everyone gets a shot? everyone gets a shot to be trusted, but it still must be earned
What was your favorite Saturday morning cartoon? wouldn't know . . . I liked Ninja Turtles when they were good
What do you do for work? refer to Erica's
What is your dream job? i think performing . . .
Who is your favorite Peanuts Gang Character? Linus
Do you have a crush? I'd say so
Who were you in high school? I'll let those of you who knew me then answer this one
Do you believe in astrology? nope, but they help to pass the time
Do you believe in angels? why not
Do you believe in ghosts? of course - i was one for Halloween once
What is your biggest "issue" right now? being broke, dealing with summer situation, school crap coming out of my ass
Romantic memory: umm . . . no - not here.
Your good luck charm: i used to say my necklace, but it's really done nothing for me other then adorn my neck, so i have none
Person you hate most?: i don't hate anyone . . .. . . HAHAHA, I KNOW - I TRIED NOT TO LAUGH TOO
On your desk: burning candle, computer, phone, rings, papers, love letters :), lighter, FLOWERS, phone, planner, picture frames, tape, keys . . .
Picture on your desktop: hahaha - a rhino's rear end. from when we went to the zoo.
Movie: The Little Mermaid
Ice Cream: ANY
Breakfast Food: Potato, Egg, and Cheese (and salsa) Breakfast Tacos MMMMMMMM
What are you most scared of? being regretful of my decisions or actions
What do you hate most about your personality? I am FLAWLESS . . . HAHAHAHA - I KNOW, I DID IT AGAIN . . . hmm . . . too much to name - I am prideful, sarcastic, afraid of being vulnerable, etc.