Nov 10, 2007 12:59
So I had a rather interesting experience yesterday. I went to a local book store and was tooling around when I got this odd wave of ...well compassion while in the self help aisle. I mean while usually a place easy to scorn, the self help orgy, this time it really touched me. Heck look at all the people reaching out for help. So what popped into my head and my heart was this feeling of at least they are trying. And isn't it all out of a basic disconnect, the elders, normally a source of wisdom are shut out in our culture. Places where people of previous eras and cultures would seek guidance are out cast, ignored. Church has scandals, elders become stereotypes. So instead of the usual ridicule I felt the above mentioned compassion. It was liberating really. I FELT for people rather than the urge to make *I* am any better anyways.
Then for some reason I wandered down another aisle and picked up a Jung book, and opened to a page randomly...well guess what it was about? You guessed it, how the elders are shut out of society, how now they often compete with the young people rather than enlighten them. And here recently I was poo pooing Jung's idea of Synchronicity, or "there are no accidents". I was a bit dazed at that, I mean I TRULY picked a random page to read folks. Sigh, well what I don't know is a lot. And I leave it that way.
What is the quote? A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool.